$setTo method

void $setTo(
  1. GTexture parent, {
  2. GRect? region,
  3. bool ownsParent = false,
  4. GRect? frame,
  5. required bool rotated,
  6. double scaleModifier = 1,

(Internal usage)

Updates the sub-texture to use a new parent texture and region.

This method can be used to update the sub-texture dynamically, for example to use a different frame from the parent texture.


void $setTo(GTexture parent,
    {GRect? region,
    bool ownsParent = false,
    GRect? frame,
    required bool rotated,
    double scaleModifier = 1}) {
  _region ??= GRect();
  if (region != null) {
  } else {
    /// used (parent.width)
    _region!.setTo(0, 0, parent.nativeWidth, parent.nativeHeight);
  if (frame != null) {
    if (this.frame != null) {
    } else {
      this.frame = frame.clone();
  } else {
    this.frame = null;
  _parent = parent;
  _ownsParent = ownsParent;
  _rotated = rotated;
  _w = (rotated ? _region!.height : _region!.width) / scaleModifier;
  _h = (rotated ? _region!.width : _region!.height) / scaleModifier;
  _scale = parent.scale! * scaleModifier;
  _sourceRegion = _region!.clone() * scale!;

  /// cache.
  _sourceRegionRect = _sourceRegion.toNative();

  /// used width, height
  _destRect = ui.Rect.fromLTWH(0, 0, nativeWidth, nativeHeight);
  sourceRect = GRect(0, 0, nativeWidth, nativeHeight);
//    updateMatrices();