$applyPaint method

  1. @override
void $applyPaint(
  1. Canvas canvas

(Internal usage) Applies the paint to the given canvas for this GShape. If this GShape is being used as a mask, the graphics will be used to clip the canvas.

The canvas parameter is the ui.Canvas object to apply the paint to.


void $applyPaint(ui.Canvas canvas) {
  if (isMask && _graphics != null) {
    GMatrix matrix;
    var paths = _graphics!.getPaths();
    if (inStage && $maskee!.inStage) {
      matrix = getTransformationMatrix($maskee);
    } else {
      matrix = transformationMatrix;
    var clipPath = paths.transform(matrix.toNative().storage);
    final inverted = maskInverted || $maskee!.maskInverted;
    if (inverted) {
//        var invPath = Graphics.stageRectPath;
//        var rect = $maskee.bounds;
//        invPath = invPath.shift(Offset(rect.x, rect.y));
      if (SystemUtils.usingSkia) {
        clipPath = ui.Path.combine(
            ui.PathOperation.difference, _inverseHugePath!, clipPath);
      } else {
        trace('Shape.maskInverted is unsupported in the current platform');
    } else {
  } else {
    _graphics?.isMask = isMask;
    _graphics?.alpha = worldAlpha;