deflate method

Attributes deflate(
  1. Set<MarkEntrance> entrance

Returns the original state of an item attributes in animation according to entrance type.


Attributes deflate(Set<MarkEntrance> entrance) {
  var rst = this;

  if (entrance.contains(MarkEntrance.x)) {
    rst = Attributes(
      index: rst.index,
      tag: rst.tag,
      position: rst.position
          .map((p) => Offset(p.dx.isFinite ? 0 : p.dx, p.dy))
      shape: rst.shape,
      color: rst.color,
      gradient: rst.gradient,
      elevation: rst.elevation,
      label: rst.label,
      size: rst.size,

  if (entrance.contains(MarkEntrance.y)) {
    rst = Attributes(
      index: rst.index,
      tag: rst.tag,
      position: rst.position
          .map((p) => Offset(p.dx, p.dy.isFinite ? 0 : p.dy))
      shape: rst.shape,
      color: rst.color,
      gradient: rst.gradient,
      elevation: rst.elevation,
      label: rst.label,
      size: rst.size,

  if (entrance.contains(MarkEntrance.size)) {
    rst = Attributes(
      index: rst.index,
      tag: rst.tag,
      position: rst.position,
      shape: rst.shape,
      color: rst.color,
      gradient: rst.gradient,
      elevation: rst.elevation,
      label: rst.label,
      size: 0,

  if (entrance.contains(MarkEntrance.opacity)) {
    final labelColor = rst.label?.style.textStyle?.color;
    final labelRst = labelColor == null
        ? rst.label
        : Label(
              textStyle: rst.label!.style.textStyle!.apply(color: labelColor),
              span: rst.label!.style.span,
              textAlign: rst.label!.style.textAlign,
              textDirection: rst.label!.style.textDirection,
              textScaleFactor: rst.label!.style.textScaleFactor,
              maxLines: rst.label!.style.maxLines,
              ellipsis: rst.label!.style.ellipsis,
              locale: rst.label!.style.locale,
              strutStyle: rst.label!.style.strutStyle,
              textWidthBasis: rst.label!.style.textWidthBasis,
              textHeightBehavior: rst.label!.style.textHeightBehavior,
              minWidth: rst.label!.style.minWidth,
              maxWidth: rst.label!.style.maxWidth,
              offset: rst.label!.style.offset,
              rotation: rst.label!.style.rotation,
              align: rst.label!.style.align,

    if (rst.gradient != null) {
      final colorsRst =
          rst.gradient! => color.withAlpha(0)).toList();
      Gradient gradientRst;
      if (rst.gradient is LinearGradient) {
        gradientRst = LinearGradient(
          begin: (rst.gradient as LinearGradient).begin,
          end: (rst.gradient as LinearGradient).end,
          colors: colorsRst,
          stops: (rst.gradient as LinearGradient).stops,
          tileMode: (rst.gradient as LinearGradient).tileMode,
          transform: (rst.gradient as LinearGradient).transform,
      } else if (rst.gradient is RadialGradient) {
        gradientRst = RadialGradient(
          center: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).center,
          radius: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).radius,
          colors: colorsRst,
          stops: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).stops,
          tileMode: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).tileMode,
          focal: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).focal,
          focalRadius: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).focalRadius,
          transform: (rst.gradient as RadialGradient).transform,
      } else if (rst.gradient is SweepGradient) {
        gradientRst = SweepGradient(
          center: (rst.gradient as SweepGradient).center,
          startAngle: (rst.gradient as SweepGradient).startAngle,
          endAngle: (rst.gradient as SweepGradient).endAngle,
          colors: colorsRst,
          stops: (rst.gradient as SweepGradient).stops,
          tileMode: (rst.gradient as SweepGradient).tileMode,
          transform: (rst.gradient as SweepGradient).transform,
      } else {
        throw ArgumentError('Wrong gradient type.');
      rst = Attributes(
        index: rst.index,
        tag: rst.tag,
        position: rst.position,
        shape: rst.shape,
        color: rst.color,
        gradient: gradientRst,
        elevation: rst.elevation,
        label: labelRst,
        size: rst.size,
    } else {
      rst = Attributes(
        index: rst.index,
        tag: rst.tag,
        position: rst.position,
        shape: rst.shape,
        color: color!.withAlpha(0),
        gradient: rst.gradient,
        elevation: rst.elevation,
        label: labelRst,
        size: rst.size,

  return rst;