IterableNodeExtension<T> extension



complement(List<Node<T>> other, {bool includeThis = true, bool includeOther = true}) List<Node<T>>
disposeGraph() → void
Dispose the graph of all the Nodes.
inputsInDepth({int? maxDepth, bool bfs = false}) Map<Node<T>, List<Node<T>>>
inputsInDepthIntersection({int? maxDepth, bool bfs = false}) List<Node<T>>
intersection(List<Node<T>> other) List<Node<T>>
merge(List<Node<T>> other) List<Node<T>>
outputsInDepth({int? maxDepth, bool bfs = false}) Map<Node<T>, List<Node<T>>>
outputsInDepthIntersection({int? maxDepth, bool bfs = false}) List<Node<T>>
sortedByInputDependency({int? maxDepth, bool bfs = false}) List<Node<T>>
sortedByInputDepth({bool bfs = false}) List<Node<T>>
sortedByOutputDependency({int? maxDepth, bool bfs = false}) List<Node<T>>
sortedByOutputsDepth({bool bfs = false}) List<Node<T>>
toIterableOfString() Iterable<String>
toIterableOfValues() Iterable<T>
toListOfString() List<String>
toListOfValues() List<T>