gradients library
Implementations of Flutter's linear, radial, and sweep gradients with support for the CMYK, HSI, HSL, HSP, HSB, LAB, Oklab, RGB, and XYZ color spaces.
- CmykColor
- A color in the CMYK color space.
- ColorModel
- The base color model class.
- GradientPainter
- The base class for LinearGradientPainter, RadialGradientPainter, and SweepGradientPainter.
- HsbColor
- A color in the hsb (HSB) color space.
- HsiColor
- A color in the HSI color space.
- HslColor
- A color in the HSL color space.
- HspColor
- A color in the HSP color space.
- LabColor
- A color in the CIELAB color space.
- LinearGradientPainter
- A 2D linear gradient.
- OklabColor
- A color in the Oklab color space.
- RadialGradientPainter
- A 2D radial gradient.
- RgbColor
- A color in the sRGB color space.
- SweepGradientPainter
- A 2D sweep gradient.
- XyzColor
- A color in the CIEXYZ color space.
- ColorSpace
- An enumeration representing the color spaces defined in this package.
on Iterable<
ColorModel> -
on Iterable<
Color> - ConvertToColorSpace on ColorSpace
- LerpToColor on Color
- ToColor on ColorModel
- ToColorModel on Color