grab library


A mixin used on a StatefulWidget for making Grab available in the widget.
A mixin used on StatelessWidget for making Grab available in the widget.


GrabListenableExtension on Listenable
Extension on Listenable to provide methods for Grab.
GrabValueListenableExtension on ValueListenable<R>
Extension on ValueListenable with its value of type R to provide methods for Grab.


Grab = StatelessGrabMixin
An alias for StatelessGrabMixin for those who prefer a shorter name.
Grabful = StatefulGrabMixin
An alias for StatefulGrabMixin for those who prefer a shorter name.
GrabSelector<R, S> = S Function(R)
The signature of a callback that receives an object of type R and returns a value of type S chosen out of it.

Exceptions / Errors

Error thrown when grab() or grabAt() is used without a mixin, either StatelessGrabMixin / Grab in a StatelessWidget or StatefulGrabMixin / Grabful in a StatefulWidget.