signOut method

Future<void> signOut({
  1. SignOutScope scope = SignOutScope.local,

Signs out the current user, if there is a logged in user.

scope determines which sessions should be logged out.

If using SignOutScope.others scope, no AuthChangeEvent.signedOut event is fired!


Future<void> signOut({
  SignOutScope scope = SignOutScope.local,
}) async {
  final accessToken = currentSession?.accessToken;

  if (scope != SignOutScope.others) {
    await _asyncStorage?.removeItem(
        key: '${Constants.defaultStorageKey}-code-verifier');

  if (accessToken != null) {
    try {
      await admin.signOut(accessToken, scope: scope);
    } on AuthException catch (error) {
      // ignore 401s since an invalid or expired JWT should sign out the current session
      // ignore 403s since user might not exist anymore
      // ignore 404s since user might not exist anymore
      if (error.statusCode != '401' &&
          error.statusCode != '403' &&
          error.statusCode != '404') {