generateLink method

Future<GenerateLinkResponse> generateLink({
  1. required GenerateLinkType type,
  2. required String email,
  3. String? newEmail,
  4. String? password,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? data,
  6. String? redirectTo,

Generates links to be sent via email or other.

password is required for GenerateLinkType.signup

newEmail is required for GenerateLinkType.emailChangeCurrent and GenerateLinkType.emailChangeNew

data may be used to store the user's metadata. This maps to the auth.users.user_metadata column. Applicable for GenerateLinkType.signup, GenerateLinkType.invite, GenerateLinkType.magiclink


Future<GenerateLinkResponse> generateLink({
  required GenerateLinkType type,
  required String email,
  String? newEmail,
  String? password,
  Map<String, dynamic>? data,
  String? redirectTo,
}) async {
    !(type == GenerateLinkType.emailChangeCurrent ||
            type == GenerateLinkType.emailChangeNew) ||
        newEmail != null,
    'newEmail is required for emailChangeCurrent and emailChangeNew',
    type != GenerateLinkType.signup || password != null,
    'password is required for signup',
  final body = {
    'email': email,
    'type': type.snakeCase,
    if (data != null) 'data': data,
    if (redirectTo != null) 'redirect_to': redirectTo,
    if (password != null) 'password': password,
    if (newEmail != null) 'new_email': newEmail,

  final fetchOptions = GotrueRequestOptions(headers: _headers, body: body);

  final response = await _fetch.request(
    options: fetchOptions,
  return GenerateLinkResponse.fromJson(response);