GoogleCloudRunV2WorkerPool class
WorkerPool acts as a top-level container that manages a set of configurations and revision templates which implement a pull-based workload.
WorkerPool exists to provide a singular abstraction which can be access controlled, reasoned about, and which encapsulates software lifecycle decisions such as rollout policy and team resource ownership.
String, String> ? annotations, GoogleCloudRunV2BinaryAuthorization? binaryAuthorization, String? client, String? clientVersion, List<GoogleCloudRunV2Condition> ? conditions, String? createTime, String? creator, List<String> ? customAudiences, String? deleteTime, String? description, String? etag, String? expireTime, String? generation, List<GoogleCloudRunV2InstanceSplitStatus> ? instanceSplitStatuses, List<GoogleCloudRunV2InstanceSplit> ? instanceSplits, Map<String, String> ? labels, String? lastModifier, String? latestCreatedRevision, String? latestReadyRevision, String? launchStage, String? name, String? observedGeneration, bool? reconciling, bool? satisfiesPzs, GoogleCloudRunV2WorkerPoolScaling? scaling, GoogleCloudRunV2WorkerPoolRevisionTemplate? template, GoogleCloudRunV2Condition? terminalCondition, String? uid, String? updateTime}) - GoogleCloudRunV2WorkerPool.fromJson(Map json_)
↔ Map<
String, String> ? -
Unstructured key value map that may be set by external tools to store and
arbitrary metadata.
getter/setter pair
- binaryAuthorization ↔ GoogleCloudRunV2BinaryAuthorization?
Settings for the Binary Authorization feature.
getter/setter pair
- client ↔ String?
Arbitrary identifier for the API client.
getter/setter pair
- clientVersion ↔ String?
Arbitrary version identifier for the API client.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleCloudRunV2Condition> ? -
The Conditions of all other associated sub-resources.
getter/setter pair
- createTime ↔ String?
The creation time.
getter/setter pair
- creator ↔ String?
Email address of the authenticated creator.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
One or more custom audiences that you want this worker pool to support.
getter/setter pair
- deleteTime ↔ String?
The deletion time.
getter/setter pair
- description ↔ String?
User-provided description of the WorkerPool.
getter/setter pair
- etag ↔ String?
A system-generated fingerprint for this version of the resource.
getter/setter pair
- expireTime ↔ String?
For a deleted resource, the time after which it will be permamently
getter/setter pair
- generation ↔ String?
A number that monotonically increases every time the user modifies the
desired state.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
↔ List<
GoogleCloudRunV2InstanceSplit> ? -
Specifies how to distribute instances over a collection of Revisions
belonging to the WorkerPool.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
GoogleCloudRunV2InstanceSplitStatus> ? -
Detailed status information for corresponding instance splits.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, String> ? -
Unstructured key value map that can be used to organize and categorize
getter/setter pair
- lastModifier ↔ String?
Email address of the last authenticated modifier.
getter/setter pair
- latestCreatedRevision ↔ String?
Name of the last created revision.
getter/setter pair
- latestReadyRevision ↔ String?
Name of the latest revision that is serving traffic.
getter/setter pair
- launchStage ↔ String?
The launch stage as defined by
Google Cloud Platform Launch Stages.
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
The fully qualified name of this WorkerPool.
getter/setter pair
- observedGeneration ↔ String?
The generation of this WorkerPool currently serving traffic.
getter/setter pair
- reconciling ↔ bool?
Returns true if the WorkerPool is currently being acted upon by the system
to bring it into the desired state.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- satisfiesPzs ↔ bool?
Reserved for future use.
getter/setter pair
- scaling ↔ GoogleCloudRunV2WorkerPoolScaling?
Specifies worker-pool-level scaling settings
getter/setter pair
- template ↔ GoogleCloudRunV2WorkerPoolRevisionTemplate?
The template used to create revisions for this WorkerPool.
getter/setter pair
- terminalCondition ↔ GoogleCloudRunV2Condition?
The Condition of this WorkerPool, containing its readiness status, and
detailed error information in case it did not reach a serving state.
getter/setter pair
- uid ↔ String?
Server assigned unique identifier for the trigger.
getter/setter pair
- updateTime ↔ String?
The last-modified time.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.