games/v1 library
Google Play Game Services - v1
The Google Play Games Service allows developers to enhance games with social leaderboards, achievements, game state, sign-in with Google, and more.
For more information, see
Create an instance of GamesApi to access these resources:
- AccesstokensResource
- AchievementDefinition
- An achievement definition object.
- AchievementDefinitionsListResponse
- A list of achievement definition objects.
- AchievementDefinitionsResource
- AchievementIncrementResponse
- An achievement increment response
- AchievementRevealResponse
- An achievement reveal response
- AchievementSetStepsAtLeastResponse
- An achievement set steps at least response.
- AchievementsResource
- AchievementUnlockResponse
- An achievement unlock response
- AchievementUpdateMultipleRequest
- A list of achievement update requests.
- AchievementUpdateMultipleResponse
- Response message for UpdateMultipleAchievements rpc.
- AchievementUpdateRequest
- A request to update an achievement.
- AchievementUpdateResponse
- An updated achievement.
- Application
- The Application resource.
- ApplicationCategory
- An application category object.
- ApplicationPlayerId
- Primary scoped player identifier for an application.
- ApplicationsResource
- ApplicationVerifyResponse
- A third party application verification response resource.
- Category
- Data related to individual game categories.
- CategoryListResponse
- A third party list metagame categories response.
- EndPoint
- Container for a URL end point of the requested type.
- EventBatchRecordFailure
- A batch update failure resource.
- EventChild
- An event child relationship resource.
- EventDefinition
- An event definition resource.
- EventDefinitionListResponse
- A ListDefinitions response.
- EventPeriodRange
- An event period time range.
- EventPeriodUpdate
- An event period update resource.
- EventRecordFailure
- An event update failure resource.
- EventRecordRequest
- An event period update resource.
- EventsResource
- EventUpdateRequest
- An event period update resource.
- EventUpdateResponse
- An event period update resource.
- GamePlayerToken
- Recall tokens for a game.
- GamesAchievementIncrement
- The payload to request to increment an achievement.
- GamesAchievementSetStepsAtLeast
- The payload to request to increment an achievement.
- GamesApi
- The Google Play Games Service allows developers to enhance games with social leaderboards, achievements, game state, sign-in with Google, and more.
- GeneratePlayGroupingApiTokenResponse
- Response for the GeneratePlayGroupingApiToken RPC.
- GenerateRecallPlayGroupingApiTokenResponse
- Response for the GenerateRecallPlayGroupingApiToken RPC.
- GetMultipleApplicationPlayerIdsResponse
- Response message for GetMultipleApplicationPlayerIds rpc.
- ImageAsset
- An image asset object.
- Instance
- The Instance resource.
- InstanceAndroidDetails
- The Android instance details resource.
- InstanceIosDetails
- The iOS details resource.
- InstanceWebDetails
- The Web details resource.
- Leaderboard
- The Leaderboard resource.
- LeaderboardEntry
- The Leaderboard Entry resource.
- LeaderboardListResponse
- A list of leaderboard objects.
- LeaderboardScoreRank
- A score rank in a leaderboard.
- LeaderboardScores
- A ListScores response.
- LeaderboardsResource
- LinkPersonaRequest
- Request to link an in-game account with a PGS principal (encoded in the session id).
- LinkPersonaResponse
- Outcome of a persona linking attempt.
- MetagameConfig
- The metagame config resource
- MetagameResource
- Player
- A Player resource.
- PlayerAchievement
- An achievement object.
- PlayerAchievementListResponse
- A list of achievement objects.
- PlayerEvent
- An event status resource.
- PlayerEventListResponse
- A ListByPlayer response.
- PlayerExperienceInfo
- 1P/3P metadata about the player's experience.
- PlayerLeaderboardScore
- A player leaderboard score object.
- PlayerLeaderboardScoreListResponse
- A list of player leaderboard scores.
- PlayerLevel
- 1P/3P metadata about a user's level.
- PlayerListResponse
- A third party player list response.
- PlayerName
- A representation of the individual components of the name.
- PlayerScore
- A player score.
- PlayerScoreListResponse
- A list of score submission statuses.
- PlayerScoreResponse
- A list of leaderboard entry resources.
- PlayerScoreSubmissionList
- A list of score submission requests.
- PlayersResource
- PlayGroupingApiToken
- Token data returned from GeneratePlayGroupingApiToken RPC.
- ProfileSettings
- Profile settings
- RecallResource
- RecallToken
- Recall token data returned from RetrievePlayerTokens RPC
- ResetPersonaRequest
- Request to remove all Recall tokens associated with a persona for an app.
- ResetPersonaResponse
- Response for the ResetPersona RPC
- RetrieveDeveloperGamesLastPlayerTokenResponse
- Recall token data returned from for the RetrieveDeveloperGamesLastPlayerToken RPC
- RetrieveGamesPlayerTokensResponse
- A list of recall token data returned from the RetrieveGamesPlayerTokens RPC
- RetrievePlayerTokensResponse
- Response for the RetrievePlayerTokens RPC
- RevisionCheckResponse
- A third party checking a revision response.
- RevisionsResource
- ScopedPlayerIds
- Scoped player identifiers.
- ScoresResource
- ScoreSubmission
- A request to submit a score to leaderboards.
- Snapshot
- An snapshot object.
- SnapshotImage
- An image of a snapshot.
- SnapshotListResponse
- A third party list snapshots response.
- SnapshotsResource
- StatsResource
- StatsResponse
- A third party stats resource.
- UnlinkPersonaRequest
- Request to remove a Recall token linking PGS principal and an in-game account
- UnlinkPersonaResponse
- Response for the UnlinkPersona RPC
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.