displayvideo/v4 library
Display & Video 360 API - v4
Display & Video 360 API allows users to automate complex Display & Video 360 workflows, such as creating insertion orders and setting targeting options for individual line items.
For more information, see developers.google.com/display-video/
Create an instance of DisplayVideoApi to access these resources:
- AdvertisersResource
- AdvertisersLineItemsTargetingTypesAssignedTargetingOptionsResource
- CombinedAudiencesResource
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmsResource
- CustomListsResource
- FirstPartyAndPartnerAudiencesResource
- FloodlightGroupsResource
- GoogleAudiencesResource
- GuaranteedOrdersResource
- InventorySourceGroupsResource
- InventorySourcesResource
- MediaResource
- PartnersResource
- SdfdownloadtasksResource
- SdfuploadtasksResource
- TargetingTypesResource
- UsersResource
- AdGroup
- A single ad group associated with a line item.
- AdGroupAd
- A single ad associated with an ad group.
- AdGroupAssignedTargetingOption
- Wrapper object associating an AssignedTargetingOption resource and the ad group it is assigned to.
- Advertiser
- A single advertiser in Display & Video 360 (DV360).
- AdvertiserAdServerConfig
- Ad server related settings of an advertiser.
- AdvertiserDataAccessConfig
- Settings that control how advertiser related data may be accessed.
- AdvertisersAdGroupAdsResource
- AdvertisersAdGroupsResource
- AdvertisersAdGroupsTargetingTypesAssignedTargetingOptionsResource
- AdvertisersAdGroupsTargetingTypesResource
- AdvertisersAssetsResource
- AdvertisersCampaignsResource
- AdvertisersChannelsResource
- AdvertisersChannelsSitesResource
- AdvertisersCreativesResource
- AdvertiserSdfConfig
- Structured Data Files (SDF) settings of an advertiser.
- AdvertisersInsertionOrdersResource
- AdvertisersInvoicesResource
- AdvertisersLineItemsResource
- AdvertisersLineItemsTargetingTypesAssignedTargetingOptionsResource
- AdvertisersLineItemsTargetingTypesResource
- AdvertisersLocationListsAssignedLocationsResource
- AdvertisersLocationListsResource
- AdvertisersNegativeKeywordListsNegativeKeywordsResource
- AdvertisersNegativeKeywordListsResource
- AdvertisersResource
- AdvertisersTargetingTypesAssignedTargetingOptionsResource
- AdvertisersTargetingTypesResource
- AssetAssociation
- Asset association for the creative.
- AssignedTargetingOption
- A single assigned targeting option, which defines the state of a targeting option for an entity with targeting settings.
- AudienceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned audience group targeting option details.
- AudioAd
- Details for an audio ad.
- BiddingStrategy
- Settings that control the bid strategy.
- BudgetSummary
- Summarized information of an individual campaign budget.
- BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest
- Request message for BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptions.
- BulkEditAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- BulkEditAssignedInventorySourcesRequest
- Request message for AssignedInventorySourceService.BulkEdit.
- BulkEditAssignedInventorySourcesResponse
- Response message for AssignedInventorySourceService.BulkEdit.
- BulkEditAssignedLocationsRequest
- Request message for AssignedLocationService.BulkEditAssignedLocations.
- BulkEditAssignedLocationsResponse
- BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest
- Request message for BulkEditLineItemsAssignedTargetingOptions.
- BulkEditAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- BulkEditAssignedUserRolesRequest
- Request message for BulkEditAssignedUserRoles.
- BulkEditAssignedUserRolesResponse
- BulkEditNegativeKeywordsRequest
- Request message for NegativeKeywordService.BulkEditNegativeKeywords.
- BulkEditNegativeKeywordsResponse
- Response message for NegativeKeywordService.BulkEditNegativeKeywords.
- BulkEditPartnerAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest
- Request message for BulkEditPartnerAssignedTargetingOptions.
- BulkEditPartnerAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- BulkEditSitesRequest
- Request message for SiteService.BulkEditSites.
- BulkEditSitesResponse
- Response message for SiteService.BulkEditSites.
- BulkListAdGroupAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- BulkListAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- BulkListAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- BulkUpdateLineItemsRequest
- Request message for LineItemService.BulkUpdateLineItems.
- BulkUpdateLineItemsResponse
- Response message for LineItemService.BulkUpdateLineItems.
- BumperAd
- Details for a bumper ad.
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- Campaign
- A single campaign.
- CampaignBudget
- Settings that control how the campaign budget is allocated.
- CampaignFlight
- Settings that track the planned spend and duration of a campaign.
- CampaignGoal
- Settings that control the goal of a campaign.
- CombinedAudienceGroup
- Details of combined audience group.
- CombinedAudiencesResource
- CommonInStreamAttribute
- Common attributes for in-stream, non-skippable and bumper ads.
- ContactInfoList
- Wrapper message for a list of contact information defining Customer Match audience members.
- ConversionCountingConfig
- Settings that control how conversions are counted.
- CreateAssetResponse
- A response message for CreateAsset.
- CreateAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest
- A request listing which assigned targeting options of a given targeting type should be created and added.
- CreateSdfDownloadTaskRequest
- Request message for [SdfDownloadTaskService.CreateSdfDownloadTask].
- Creative
- A single Creative.
- CreativeConfig
- Creative requirements configuration for the inventory source.
- CustomBiddingAlgorithm
- A single custom bidding algorithm.
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmRules
- A single custom bidding algorithm rules.
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmsResource
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmsRulesResource
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmsScriptsResource
- CustomBiddingScript
- A single custom bidding script.
- CustomListGroup
- Details of custom list group.
- CustomListsResource
- DateRange
- A date range.
- DisplayVideoApi
- Display & Video 360 API allows users to automate complex Display & Video 360 workflows, such as creating insertion orders and setting targeting options for individual line items.
- DoubleVerify
- Details of DoubleVerify settings.
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- EditCustomerMatchMembersRequest
- Request message for FirstAndThirdPartyAudienceService.EditCustomerMatchMembers.
- EditCustomerMatchMembersResponse
- The response of FirstAndThirdPartyAudienceService.EditCustomerMatchMembers.
- EditInventorySourceReadWriteAccessorsRequest
- Request message for InventorySourceService.EditInventorySourceReadWriteAccessors.
- ExchangeConfig
- Settings that control which exchanges are enabled for a partner.
- FirstPartyAndPartnerAudience
- Describes a first or partner audience list used for targeting.
- FirstPartyAndPartnerAudienceGroup
- Details of first party and partner audience group.
- FirstPartyAndPartnerAudiencesResource
- FirstPartyAndPartnerAudienceTargetingSetting
- Details of first party and partner audience targeting setting.
- FloodlightActivity
- A single Floodlight activity.
- FloodlightGroup
- A single Floodlight group.
- FloodlightGroupsFloodlightActivitiesResource
- FloodlightGroupsResource
- GenerateDefaultLineItemRequest
- Request message for LineItemService.GenerateDefaultLineItem.
- GoogleAudienceGroup
- Details of Google audience group.
- GoogleAudiencesResource
- GuaranteedOrder
- A guaranteed order.
- GuaranteedOrdersResource
- ImageAsset
- Meta data of an image asset.
- InsertionOrder
- A single insertion order.
- InsertionOrderBudget
- Settings that control how insertion order budget is allocated.
- InsertionOrderBudgetSegment
- Settings that control the budget of a single budget segment.
- InStreamAd
- Details for an in-stream ad.
- InventorySource
- An inventory source.
- InventorySourceAccessors
- The partner or advertisers with access to the inventory source.
- InventorySourceDisplayCreativeConfig
- The configuration for display creatives.
- InventorySourceGroupsAssignedInventorySourcesResource
- InventorySourceGroupsResource
- InventorySourcesResource
- Invoice
- A single invoice.
- LineItem
- A single line item.
- LineItemAssignedTargetingOption
- Wrapper object associating an assigned_targeting_option resource and the line item it is assigned to.
- LineItemFlight
- Settings that control the active duration of a line item.
- ListAdGroupAdsResponse
- ListAdGroupAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- Response message for ListAdGroupAssignedTargetingOptions.
- ListAdGroupsResponse
- ListAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- Response message for ListAdvertiserAssignedTargetingOptions.
- ListAdvertisersResponse
- ListAssignedInventorySourcesResponse
- Response message for AssignedInventorySourceService.ListAssignedInventorySources.
- ListAssignedLocationsResponse
- Response message for AssignedLocationService.ListAssignedLocations.
- ListCampaignsResponse
- ListChannelsResponse
- ListCombinedAudiencesResponse
- ListCreativesResponse
- ListCustomBiddingAlgorithmRulesResponse
- ListCustomBiddingAlgorithmsResponse
- ListCustomBiddingScriptsResponse
- ListCustomListsResponse
- ListFirstPartyAndPartnerAudiencesResponse
- ListFloodlightActivitiesResponse
- ListGoogleAudiencesResponse
- ListGuaranteedOrdersResponse
- ListInsertionOrdersResponse
- ListInventorySourceGroupsResponse
- Response message for InventorySourceGroupService.ListInventorySourceGroups.
- ListInventorySourcesResponse
- ListInvoicesResponse
- ListLineItemAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- Response message for ListLineItemAssignedTargetingOptions.
- ListLineItemsResponse
- ListLocationListsResponse
- ListNegativeKeywordListsResponse
- Response message for NegativeKeywordListService.ListNegativeKeywordLists.
- ListNegativeKeywordsResponse
- Response message for NegativeKeywordService.ListNegativeKeywords.
- ListPartnerAssignedTargetingOptionsResponse
- ListPartnersResponse
- ListSitesResponse
- Response message for SiteService.ListSites.
- ListTargetingOptionsResponse
- Response message for ListTargetingOptions.
- ListUsersResponse
- MastheadAd
- Details for a Masthead Ad.
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- MediaResource
- MobileDeviceIdList
- Wrapper message for a list of mobile device IDs defining Customer Match audience members.
- NonSkippableAd
- Details for a non-skippable ad.
- ObaIcon
- OBA Icon for a Creative
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- Partner
- A single partner in Display & Video 360 (DV360).
- PartnerAdServerConfig
- Ad server related settings of a partner.
- PartnerDataAccessConfig
- Settings that control how partner related data may be accessed.
- PartnersChannelsResource
- PartnersChannelsSitesResource
- PartnersResource
- PartnersTargetingTypesAssignedTargetingOptionsResource
- PartnersTargetingTypesResource
- PrismaConfig
- Settings specific to the Mediaocean Prisma tool.
- ProductFeedData
- The details of product feed.
- ProductMatchDimension
- A dimension used to match products.
- RateDetails
- The rate related settings of the inventory source.
- ReplaceNegativeKeywordsRequest
- Request message for NegativeKeywordService.ReplaceNegativeKeywords.
- ReplaceNegativeKeywordsResponse
- Response message for NegativeKeywordService.ReplaceNegativeKeywords.
- ReplaceSitesRequest
- Request message for SiteService.ReplaceSites.
- ReplaceSitesResponse
- Response message for SiteService.ReplaceSites.
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- ReviewStatusInfo
- Review statuses for the creative.
- SdfdownloadtasksOperationsResource
- SdfdownloadtasksResource
- SdfuploadtasksOperationsResource
- SdfuploadtasksResource
- SearchTargetingOptionsRequest
- Request message for SearchTargetingOptions.
- SearchTargetingOptionsResponse
- Response message for SearchTargetingOptions.
- TargetingOption
- Represents a single targeting option, which is a targetable concept in DV360.
- TargetingTypesResource
- TargetingTypesTargetingOptionsResource
- ThirdPartyMeasurementConfigs
- Settings that control what third-party vendors are measuring specific line item metrics.
- ThirdPartyVerifierAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned third party verifier targeting option details.
- Transcode
- Represents information about the transcoded audio or video file.
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- User
- A single user in Display & Video 360.
- UsersResource
- VideoAdSequenceSettings
- Settings related to VideoAdSequence.
- VideoDiscoveryAd
- Details for a video discovery ad.
- VideoPerformanceAd
- Details for a video performance ad.
- YoutubeAndPartnersSettings
- Settings for YouTube and Partners line items.
- ActiveViewVideoViewabilityMetricConfig = $ActiveViewVideoViewabilityMetricConfig
- Configuration for custom Active View video viewability metrics.
- Adloox = $Adloox
- Details of Adloox brand safety settings.
- AdUrl = $AdUrl
- Additional URLs related to the ad, including beacons.
- AdvertiserBillingConfig = $AdvertiserBillingConfig
- Billing related settings of an advertiser.
- AdvertiserCreativeConfig = $AdvertiserCreativeConfig
- Creatives related settings of an advertiser.
- AdvertiserGeneralConfig = $AdvertiserGeneralConfig
- General settings of an advertiser.
- AdvertiserTargetingConfig = $AdvertiserTargetingConfig
- Targeting settings related to ad serving of an advertiser.
- AgeRangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $AgeRangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable age range.
- AgeRangeTargetingOptionDetails = $AgeRangeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable age range.
- AppAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $AppAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned app targeting option.
- AppCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $AppCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned app category targeting option.
- AppCategoryTargetingOptionDetails = $AppCategoryTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable collection of apps.
- Asset = $Asset
- A single asset.
- AssignedInventorySource = $AssignedInventorySource
- An assignment between a targetable inventory source and an inventory source group.
- AssignedLocation = $AssignedLocation
- An assignment between a location list and a relevant targeting option.
- AssignedUserRole = $AssignedUserRole
- A single assigned user role, which defines a user's authorized interaction with a specified partner or advertiser.
- AudioContentTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $AudioContentTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for audio content type assigned targeting option.
- AudioContentTypeTargetingOptionDetails = $AudioContentTypeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable audio content type.
- AudioVideoOffset = $AudioVideoOffset
- The length an audio or a video has been played.
- AuditAdvertiserResponse = $AuditAdvertiserResponse
- Response message for AdvertiserService.AuditAdvertiser.
- AuthorizedSellerStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $AuthorizedSellerStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents an assigned authorized seller status.
- AuthorizedSellerStatusTargetingOptionDetails = $AuthorizedSellerStatusTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable authorized seller status.
- BrowserAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $BrowserAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned browser targeting option.
- BrowserTargetingOptionDetails = $BrowserTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable browser.
- BusinessChainAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $BusinessChainAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned Business chain targeting option.
- BusinessChainSearchTerms = $BusinessChainSearchTerms
- Search terms for Business Chain targeting options.
- BusinessChainTargetingOptionDetails = $BusinessChainTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable business chain within a geo region.
- CarrierAndIspAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $CarrierAndIspAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned carrier and ISP targeting option.
- CarrierAndIspTargetingOptionDetails = $CarrierAndIspTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable carrier or ISP.
- CategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $CategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned category targeting option details.
- CategoryTargetingOptionDetails = $CategoryTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable category.
- Channel = $Channel00
- A single channel.
- ChannelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ChannelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned channel targeting option.
- CmHybridConfig = $CmHybridConfig
- Settings for advertisers that use both Campaign Manager 360 (CM360) and third-party ad servers.
- CmTrackingAd = $CmTrackingAd
- A Campaign Manager 360 tracking ad.
- CombinedAudience = $CombinedAudience
- Describes a combined audience resource.
- CombinedAudienceTargetingSetting = $CombinedAudienceTargetingSetting
- Details of combined audience targeting setting.
- Consent = $Consent
- User consent status.
- ContactInfo = $ContactInfo
- Contact information defining a Customer Match audience member.
- ContentDurationAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentDurationAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for content duration assigned targeting option.
- ContentDurationTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentDurationTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable content duration.
- ContentGenreAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentGenreAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for content genre assigned targeting option.
- ContentGenreTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentGenreTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable content genre.
- ContentInstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentInstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned content instream position targeting option details.
- ContentInstreamPositionTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentInstreamPositionTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable content instream position, which could be used by video and audio ads.
- ContentOutstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentOutstreamPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned content outstream position targeting option details.
- ContentOutstreamPositionTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentOutstreamPositionTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable content outstream position, which could be used by display and video ads.
- ContentStreamTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentStreamTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for content stream type assigned targeting option.
- ContentStreamTypeTargetingOptionDetails = $ContentStreamTypeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable content stream type.
- CounterEvent = $CounterEvent
- Counter event of the creative.
- CreateAssetRequest = $CreateAssetRequest
- A request message for CreateAsset.
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmRulesError = $CustomBiddingAlgorithmRulesError
- An error message for a CustomBiddingAlgorithmRules resource.
- CustomBiddingAlgorithmRulesRef = $CustomBiddingAlgorithmRulesRef
- The reference to the uploaded AlgorithmRules file.
- CustomBiddingModelDetails = $CustomBiddingModelDetails
- The details of a custom bidding algorithm model for a single shared advertiser.
- CustomBiddingScriptRef = $CustomBiddingScriptRef
- The reference to the uploaded custom bidding script file.
- CustomLabel = $CustomLabel
- The key and value of a custom label.
- CustomList = $CustomList
- Describes a custom list entity, such as a custom affinity or custom intent audience list.
- CustomListTargetingSetting = $CustomListTargetingSetting
- Details of custom list targeting setting.
- Date = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- DayAndTimeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $DayAndTimeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Representation of a segment of time defined on a specific day of the week and with a start and end time.
- DeleteAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest = $DeleteAssignedTargetingOptionsRequest
- A request listing which assigned targeting options of a given targeting type should be deleted.
- DeviceMakeModelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $DeviceMakeModelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned device make and model targeting option details.
- DeviceMakeModelTargetingOptionDetails = $DeviceMakeModelTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable device make and model.
- DeviceTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $DeviceTypeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for device type.
- DeviceTypeTargetingOptionDetails = $DeviceTypeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable device type.
- DigitalContentLabelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $DigitalContentLabelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for digital content label.
- DigitalContentLabelTargetingOptionDetails = $DigitalContentLabelTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable digital content label rating tier.
- Dimensions = $Dimensions
- Dimensions.
- DisplayVideoSourceAd = $DisplayVideoSourceAd
- The ad sourced from a DV360 creative.
- DoubleVerifyAppStarRating = $DoubleVerifyAppStarRating
- Details of DoubleVerify star ratings settings.
- DoubleVerifyBrandSafetyCategories = $DoubleVerifyBrandSafetyCategories
- Settings for brand safety controls.
- DoubleVerifyDisplayViewability = $DoubleVerifyDisplayViewability
- Details of DoubleVerify display viewability settings.
- DoubleVerifyFraudInvalidTraffic = $DoubleVerifyFraudInvalidTraffic
- DoubleVerify Fraud & Invalid Traffic settings.
- DoubleVerifyVideoViewability = $DoubleVerifyVideoViewability
- Details of DoubleVerify video viewability settings.
- DuplicateLineItemRequest = $DuplicateLineItemRequest
- Request message for LineItemService.DuplicateLineItem.
- DuplicateLineItemResponse = $DuplicateLineItemResponse
- EditGuaranteedOrderReadAccessorsRequest = $EditGuaranteedOrderReadAccessorsRequest
- Request message for GuaranteedOrderService.EditGuaranteedOrderReadAccessors.
- EditGuaranteedOrderReadAccessorsResponse = $EditGuaranteedOrderReadAccessorsResponse
- EditInventorySourceReadWriteAccessorsRequestAdvertisersUpdate = $EditInventorySourceReadWriteAccessorsRequestAdvertisersUpdate
- Update to the list of advertisers with read/write access to the inventory source.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- EnvironmentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $EnvironmentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned environment targeting option details.
- EnvironmentTargetingOptionDetails = $EnvironmentTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable environment.
- ExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned exchange targeting option.
- ExchangeConfigEnabledExchange = $ExchangeConfigEnabledExchange
- An enabled exchange in the partner.
- ExchangeReviewStatus = $ExchangeReviewStatus
- Exchange review status for the creative.
- ExchangeTargetingOptionDetails = $ExchangeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable exchange.
- ExitEvent = $ExitEvent
- Exit event of the creative.
- FixedBidStrategy = $FixedBidStrategy
- A strategy that uses a fixed bidding price.
- FrequencyCap = $FrequencyCap
- Settings that control the number of times a user may be shown with the same ad during a given time period.
- GenderAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $GenderAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned gender targeting option.
- GenderTargetingOptionDetails = $GenderTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable gender.
- GeoRegionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $GeoRegionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned geographic region targeting option.
- GeoRegionSearchTerms = $GeoRegionSearchTerms
- Search terms for geo region targeting options.
- GeoRegionTargetingOptionDetails = $GeoRegionTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable geographic region.
- GoogleAudience = $GoogleAudience
- Describes a Google audience resource.
- GoogleAudienceTargetingSetting = $GoogleAudienceTargetingSetting
- Details of Google audience targeting setting.
- GoogleBytestreamMedia = $Media
- Media resource.
- GuaranteedOrderStatus = $GuaranteedOrderStatus
- The status settings of the guaranteed order.
- HouseholdIncomeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $HouseholdIncomeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned household income targeting option.
- HouseholdIncomeTargetingOptionDetails = $HouseholdIncomeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable household income.
- IdFilter = $IdFilter
- A filtering option that filters entities by their entity IDs.
- IntegralAdScience = $IntegralAdScience
- Details of Integral Ad Science settings.
- IntegrationDetails = $IntegrationDetails
- Integration details of an entry.
- InventorySourceAccessorsAdvertiserAccessors = $InventorySourceAccessorsAdvertiserAccessors
- The advertisers with access to the inventory source.
- InventorySourceAccessorsPartnerAccessor = $InventorySourceAccessorsPartnerAccessor
- The partner with access to the inventory source.
- InventorySourceAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $InventorySourceAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for inventory source.
- InventorySourceFilter = $InventorySourceFilter
- A filtering option for filtering on Inventory Source entities.
- InventorySourceGroup = $InventorySourceGroup
- A collection of targetable inventory sources.
- InventorySourceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $InventorySourceGroupAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for inventory source group.
- InventorySourceStatus = $InventorySourceStatus
- The status related settings of the inventory source.
- InventorySourceVideoCreativeConfig = $InventorySourceVideoCreativeConfig
- The configuration for video creatives.
- KeywordAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $KeywordAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned keyword targeting option.
- Kpi = $Kpi
- Settings that control the key performance indicator, or KPI, of an insertion order.
- LanguageAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $LanguageAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned language targeting option.
- LanguageTargetingOptionDetails = $LanguageTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable language.
- LineItemBudget = $LineItemBudget
- Settings that control how budget is allocated.
- LocationList = $LocationList
- A list of locations used for targeting.
- LookbackWindow = $LookbackWindow
- Specifies how many days into the past to look when determining whether to record a conversion.
- LookupInvoiceCurrencyResponse = $LookupInvoiceCurrencyResponse
- MaximizeSpendBidStrategy = $MaximizeSpendBidStrategy
- A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to optimize a specified performance goal while spending the full budget.
- MeasurementConfig = $MeasurementConfig
- Measurement settings of a partner.
- MobileApp = $MobileApp
- A mobile app promoted by a mobile app install line item.
- Money = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- NativeContentPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $NativeContentPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for native content position assigned targeting option.
- NativeContentPositionTargetingOptionDetails = $NativeContentPositionTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable native content position.
- NegativeKeyword = $NegativeKeyword
- A negatively targeted keyword that belongs to a negative keyword list.
- NegativeKeywordList = $NegativeKeywordList
- A list of negative keywords used for targeting.
- NegativeKeywordListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $NegativeKeywordListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for negative keyword list.
- OmidAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $OmidAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable Open Measurement enabled inventory type.
- OmidTargetingOptionDetails = $OmidTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable Open Measurement enabled inventory type.
- OnScreenPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $OnScreenPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- On screen position targeting option details.
- OnScreenPositionTargetingOptionDetails = $OnScreenPositionTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable on screen position, which could be used by display and video ads.
- OperatingSystemAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $OperatingSystemAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned operating system targeting option details.
- OperatingSystemTargetingOptionDetails = $OperatingSystemTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable operating system.
- Pacing = $Pacing
- Settings that control the rate at which a budget is spent.
- ParentalStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ParentalStatusAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned parental status targeting option.
- ParentalStatusTargetingOptionDetails = $ParentalStatusTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable parental status.
- ParentEntityFilter = $ParentEntityFilter
- A filtering option that filters on selected file types belonging to a chosen set of filter entities.
- PartnerBillingConfig = $PartnerBillingConfig
- Billing related settings of a partner.
- PartnerCost = $PartnerCost
- Settings that control a partner cost.
- PartnerGeneralConfig = $PartnerGeneralConfig
- General settings of a partner.
- PartnerRevenueModel = $PartnerRevenueModel
- Settings that control how partner revenue is calculated.
- PerformanceGoal = $PerformanceGoal
- Settings that control the performance goal of a campaign.
- PerformanceGoalBidStrategy = $PerformanceGoalBidStrategy
- A strategy that automatically adjusts the bid to meet or beat a specified performance goal.
- PoiAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $PoiAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned POI targeting option.
- PoiSearchTerms = $PoiSearchTerms
- Search terms for POI targeting options.
- PoiTargetingOptionDetails = $PoiTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable point of interest(POI).
- PrismaCpeCode = $PrismaCpeCode
- Google Payments Center supports searching and filtering on the component fields of this code.
- ProximityLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ProximityLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for proximity location list.
- RegionalLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $RegionalLocationListAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for regional location list.
- RemarketingConfig = $RemarketingConfig
- Settings that control the whether remarketing is enabled for the given identified advertiser.
- ScriptError = $ScriptError
- An error message for a custom bidding script.
- SdfConfig = $SdfConfig
- Structured Data File (SDF) related settings.
- SensitiveCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $SensitiveCategoryAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Targeting details for sensitive category.
- SensitiveCategoryTargetingOptionDetails = $SensitiveCategoryTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable sensitive category.
- SessionPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $SessionPositionAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for session position assigned targeting option.
- Site = $Site
- A single site.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - SubExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $SubExchangeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned sub-exchange targeting option.
- SubExchangeTargetingOptionDetails = $SubExchangeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable sub-exchange.
- TargetFrequency = $TargetFrequency
- Setting that controls the average number of times the ads will show to the same person over a certain period of time.
- TargetingExpansionConfig = $TargetingExpansionConfig
- Settings that control the [optimized targeting](//support.google.com/displayvideo/answer/12060859) settings of the line item.
- ThirdPartyOnlyConfig = $ThirdPartyOnlyConfig
- Settings for advertisers that use third-party ad servers only.
- ThirdPartyUrl = $ThirdPartyUrl
- Tracking URLs from third parties to track interactions with an audio or a video creative.
- ThirdPartyVendorConfig = $ThirdPartyVendorConfig
- Settings that control how third-party measurement vendors are configured.
- TimeRange = $TimeRange
- A time range.
- TimerEvent = $TimerEvent
- Timer event of the creative.
- TrackingFloodlightActivityConfig = $TrackingFloodlightActivityConfig
- Settings that control the behavior of a single Floodlight activity config.
- UniversalAdId = $UniversalAdId
- A creative identifier provided by a registry that is unique across all platforms.
- UrlAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $UrlAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for assigned URL targeting option.
- UserRewardedContentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $UserRewardedContentAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- User rewarded content targeting option details.
- UserRewardedContentTargetingOptionDetails = $UserRewardedContentTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable user rewarded content status for video ads only.
- VideoAdSequenceStep = $VideoAdSequenceStep
- The detail of a single step in a VideoAdSequence.
- VideoPlayerSizeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $VideoPlayerSizeAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Video player size targeting option details.
- VideoPlayerSizeTargetingOptionDetails = $VideoPlayerSizeTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable video player size.
- ViewabilityAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $ViewabilityAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Assigned viewability targeting option details.
- ViewabilityTargetingOptionDetails = $ViewabilityTargetingOptionDetails
- Represents a targetable viewability.
- YoutubeAndPartnersBiddingStrategy = $YoutubeAndPartnersBiddingStrategy
- Settings that control the bid strategy for YouTube and Partners resources.
- YoutubeAndPartnersInventorySourceConfig = $YoutubeAndPartnersInventorySourceConfig
- Settings that control what YouTube related inventories the YouTube and Partners line item will target.
- YoutubeChannelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $YoutubeChannelAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for YouTube channel assigned targeting option.
- YoutubeVideoAssignedTargetingOptionDetails = $YoutubeVideoAssignedTargetingOptionDetails
- Details for YouTube video assigned targeting option.
- YoutubeVideoDetails = $YoutubeVideoDetails
- Details of a YouTube video.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.