LineItem class
A single line item.
-{String? advertiserId, BiddingStrategy? bidStrategy, LineItemBudget? budget, String? campaignId, ConversionCountingConfig? conversionCounting, List<
String> ? creativeIds, String? displayName, String? entityStatus, bool? excludeNewExchanges, LineItemFlight? flight, FrequencyCap? frequencyCap, String? insertionOrderId, IntegrationDetails? integrationDetails, String? lineItemId, String? lineItemType, MobileApp? mobileApp, String? name, Pacing? pacing, List<PartnerCost> ? partnerCosts, PartnerRevenueModel? partnerRevenueModel, String? reservationType, TargetingExpansionConfig? targetingExpansion, String? updateTime, List<String> ? warningMessages, YoutubeAndPartnersSettings? youtubeAndPartnersSettings}) - LineItem.fromJson(Map json_)
- advertiserId ↔ String?
The unique ID of the advertiser the line item belongs to.
getter/setter pair
- bidStrategy ↔ BiddingStrategy?
The bidding strategy of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- budget ↔ LineItemBudget?
The budget allocation setting of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- campaignId ↔ String?
The unique ID of the campaign that the line item belongs to.
getter/setter pair
- conversionCounting ↔ ConversionCountingConfig?
The conversion tracking setting of the line item.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
The IDs of the creatives associated with the line item.
getter/setter pair
- displayName ↔ String?
The display name of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- entityStatus ↔ String?
Controls whether or not the line item can spend its budget and bid on
getter/setter pair
- excludeNewExchanges ↔ bool?
Whether to exclude new exchanges from automatically being targeted by the
line item.
getter/setter pair
- flight ↔ LineItemFlight?
The start and end time of the line item's flight.
getter/setter pair
- frequencyCap ↔ FrequencyCap?
The impression frequency cap settings of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- insertionOrderId ↔ String?
The unique ID of the insertion order that the line item belongs to.
getter/setter pair
- integrationDetails ↔ IntegrationDetails?
Integration details of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- lineItemId ↔ String?
The unique ID of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- lineItemType ↔ String?
The type of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- mobileApp ↔ MobileApp?
The mobile app promoted by the line item.
getter/setter pair
- name ↔ String?
The resource name of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- pacing ↔ Pacing?
The budget spending speed setting of the line item.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
PartnerCost> ? -
The partner costs associated with the line item.
getter/setter pair
- partnerRevenueModel ↔ PartnerRevenueModel?
The partner revenue model setting of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- reservationType ↔ String?
The reservation type of the line item.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- targetingExpansion ↔ TargetingExpansionConfig?
The [optimized
targeting](// settings of
the line item.
getter/setter pair
- updateTime ↔ String?
The timestamp when the line item was last updated.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
The warning messages generated by the line item.
getter/setter pair
- youtubeAndPartnersSettings ↔ YoutubeAndPartnersSettings?
Settings specific to YouTube and Partners line items.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.