Computes whether the given point lies on or near the edge of a polygon, within a specified
tolerance in meters. The polygon edge is composed of great circle segments if geodesic
is true, and of Rhumb segments otherwise. The polygon edge is implicitly closed -- the
closing segment between the first point and the last point is included.
Computes whether the given point lies on or near a polyline, within a specified
tolerance in meters. The polyline is composed of great circle segments if geodesic
is true, and of Rhumb segments otherwise. The polyline is not closed -- the closing
segment between the first point and the last point is not included.
Computes whether (and where) a given point lies on or near a polyline, within a specified tolerance.
If closed, the closing segment between the last and first points of the polyline is not considered.
Computes whether (and where) a given point lies on or near a polyline, within a specified tolerance.
The polyline is not closed -- the closing segment between the first point and the last point is not included.
Simplifies the given poly (polyline or polygon) using the Douglas-Peucker decimation
algorithm. Increasing the tolerance will result in fewer points in the simplified polyline
or polygon.