MigrationJob class

Represents a Database Migration Service migration job object.

  • Object
  • GeneratedMessage
  • MigrationJob


MigrationJob({String? name, Timestamp? createTime, Timestamp? updateTime, Map<String, String>? labels, String? displayName, MigrationJob_State? state, MigrationJob_Phase? phase, MigrationJob_Type? type, String? dumpPath, String? source, String? destination, Duration? duration, Status? error, DatabaseType? sourceDatabase, DatabaseType? destinationDatabase, Timestamp? endTime, MigrationJob_DumpFlags? dumpFlags, ReverseSshConnectivity? reverseSshConnectivity, VpcPeeringConnectivity? vpcPeeringConnectivity, StaticIpConnectivity? staticIpConnectivity})
MigrationJob.fromBuffer(List<int> i, [ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY])
MigrationJob.fromJson(String i, [ExtensionRegistry r = $pb.ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY])


createTime Timestamp
Output only. The timestamp when the migration job resource was created. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds. Example: "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
getter/setter pair
destination String
Required. The resource name (URI) of the destination connection profile.
getter/setter pair
destinationDatabase DatabaseType
The database engine type and provider of the destination.
getter/setter pair
displayName String
The migration job display name.
getter/setter pair
dumpFlags MigrationJob_DumpFlags
The initial dump flags. This field and the "dump_path" field are mutually exclusive.
getter/setter pair
dumpPath String
The path to the dump file in Google Cloud Storage, in the format: (gs://BUCKET_NAME/OBJECT_NAME). This field and the "dump_flags" field are mutually exclusive.
getter/setter pair
duration Duration
Output only. The duration of the migration job (in seconds). A duration in seconds with up to nine fractional digits, terminated by 's'. Example: "3.5s".
getter/setter pair
endTime Timestamp
Output only. If the migration job is completed, the time when it was completed.
getter/setter pair
error Status
Output only. The error details in case of state FAILED.
getter/setter pair
eventPlugin → EventPlugin?
Subclasses can override this getter to be notified of changes to protobuf fields.
no setterinherited
hashCode int
Calculates a hash code based on the contents of the protobuf.
no setterinherited
info_ → BuilderInfo
no setteroverride
isFrozen bool
Returns true if this message is marked read-only. Otherwise false.
no setterinherited
labels Map<String, String>
The resource labels for migration job to use to annotate any related underlying resources such as Compute Engine VMs. An object containing a list of "key": "value" pairs.
no setter
name String
The name (URI) of this migration job resource, in the form of: projects/{project}/locations/{location}/migrationJobs/{migrationJob}.
getter/setter pair
phase MigrationJob_Phase
Output only. The current migration job phase.
getter/setter pair
reverseSshConnectivity ReverseSshConnectivity
The details needed to communicate to the source over Reverse SSH tunnel connectivity.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
source String
Required. The resource name (URI) of the source connection profile.
getter/setter pair
sourceDatabase DatabaseType
The database engine type and provider of the source.
getter/setter pair
state MigrationJob_State
The current migration job state.
getter/setter pair
staticIpConnectivity StaticIpConnectivity
static ip connectivity data (default, no additional details needed).
getter/setter pair
type MigrationJob_Type
Required. The migration job type.
getter/setter pair
unknownFields → UnknownFieldSet
no setterinherited
updateTime Timestamp
Output only. The timestamp when the migration job resource was last updated. A timestamp in RFC3339 UTC "Zulu" format, accurate to nanoseconds. Example: "2014-10-02T15:01:23.045123456Z".
getter/setter pair
vpcPeeringConnectivity VpcPeeringConnectivity
The details of the VPC network that the source database is located in.
getter/setter pair


addExtension(Extension extension, Object? value) → void
Adds an extension field value to a repeated field.
check() → void
clear() → void
Clears all data that was set in this message.
clearConnectivity() → void
clearCreateTime() → void
clearDestination() → void
clearDestinationDatabase() → void
clearDisplayName() → void
clearDumpFlags() → void
clearDumpPath() → void
clearDuration() → void
clearEndTime() → void
clearError() → void
clearExtension(Extension extension) → void
Clears an extension field and also removes the extension.
clearField(int tagNumber) → void
Clears the contents of a given field.
clearName() → void
clearPhase() → void
clearReverseSshConnectivity() → void
clearSource() → void
clearSourceDatabase() → void
clearState() → void
clearStaticIpConnectivity() → void
clearType() → void
clearUpdateTime() → void
clearVpcPeeringConnectivity() → void
clone() MigrationJob
Creates a deep copy of the fields in this message. (The generated code uses mergeFromMessage.)
copyWith(void updates(MigrationJob)) MigrationJob
Apply updates to a copy of this message.
createEmptyInstance() MigrationJob
Creates an empty instance of the same message type as this.
createMapField<K, V>(int tagNumber, MapFieldInfo<K, V> fi) Map<K, V>
Creates a Map representing a map field.
createRepeatedField<T>(int tagNumber, FieldInfo<T> fi) List<T>
Creates List implementing a mutable repeated field.
ensureCreateTime() Timestamp
ensureDestinationDatabase() DatabaseType
ensureDumpFlags() MigrationJob_DumpFlags
ensureDuration() Duration
ensureEndTime() Timestamp
ensureError() Status
ensureReverseSshConnectivity() ReverseSshConnectivity
ensureSourceDatabase() DatabaseType
ensureStaticIpConnectivity() StaticIpConnectivity
ensureUpdateTime() Timestamp
ensureVpcPeeringConnectivity() VpcPeeringConnectivity
extensionsAreInitialized() bool
freeze() → GeneratedMessage
Make this message read-only.
getDefaultForField(int tagNumber) → dynamic
Returns the default value for the given field.
getExtension(Extension extension) → dynamic
Returns the value of extension.
getField(int tagNumber) → dynamic
Returns the value of the field associated with tagNumber, or the default value if it is not set.
getFieldOrNull(int tagNumber) → dynamic
Returns the value of a field, ignoring any defaults.
getTagNumber(String fieldName) int?
hasCreateTime() bool
hasDestination() bool
hasDestinationDatabase() bool
hasDisplayName() bool
hasDumpFlags() bool
hasDumpPath() bool
hasDuration() bool
hasEndTime() bool
hasError() bool
hasExtension(Extension extension) bool
Returns true if a value of extension is present.
hasField(int tagNumber) bool
Whether this message has a field associated with tagNumber.
hasName() bool
hasPhase() bool
hasRequiredFields() bool
Whether the message has required fields.
hasReverseSshConnectivity() bool
hasSource() bool
hasSourceDatabase() bool
hasState() bool
hasStaticIpConnectivity() bool
hasType() bool
hasUpdateTime() bool
hasVpcPeeringConnectivity() bool
isInitialized() bool
Whether all required fields in the message and embedded messages are set.
mergeFromBuffer(List<int> input, [ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) → void
Merges serialized protocol buffer data into this message.
mergeFromCodedBufferReader(CodedBufferReader input, [ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) → void
mergeFromJson(String data, [ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) → void
Merges field values from data, a JSON object, encoded as described by GeneratedMessage.writeToJson.
mergeFromJsonMap(Map<String, dynamic> json, [ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry = ExtensionRegistry.EMPTY]) → void
Merges field values from a JSON object represented as a Dart map.
mergeFromMessage(GeneratedMessage other) → void
Merges the contents of the other into this message.
mergeFromProto3Json(Object? json, {TypeRegistry typeRegistry = const TypeRegistry.empty(), bool ignoreUnknownFields = false, bool supportNamesWithUnderscores = true, bool permissiveEnums = false}) → void
Merges field values from json, a JSON object using proto3 encoding.
mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSet unknownFieldSet) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
setExtension(Extension extension, Object value) → void
Sets the value of a non-repeated extension field to value.
setField(int tagNumber, Object value) → void
Sets the value of a field by its tagNumber.
toBuilder() → GeneratedMessage
Creates a writable, shallow copy of this message.
toDebugString() String
Returns a String representation of this message.
toProto3Json({TypeRegistry typeRegistry = const TypeRegistry.empty()}) Object?
Returns an Object representing Proto3 JSON serialization of this.
toString() String
Returns a String representation of this message.
whichConnectivity() → MigrationJob_Connectivity
writeToBuffer() Uint8List
writeToCodedBufferWriter(CodedBufferWriter output) → void
writeToJson() String
Returns a JSON string that encodes this message.
writeToJsonMap() Map<String, dynamic>
Returns the JSON encoding of this message as a Dart Map.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

create() MigrationJob
createRepeated() → PbList<MigrationJob>
getDefault() MigrationJob