Initialization topic

AdSense initialization

AdSense initialization is the same both for H5 Games Ads and the Ad Unit Widget.

To initialize AdSense:

Setup your AdSense account

  1. Make sure your site's pages are ready for AdSense
  2. Sign up for AdSense
  3. Adhere to the AdSense program policies while using ads from AdSense, and any specific policies for the ad formats that you use (for example, there's a specific Policy for ad units that offer rewards.)

Configure your Publisher ID

To start displaying ads, initialize AdSense with your Publisher ID (only use numbers).

import 'package:google_adsense/google_adsense.dart';

void main() async {
  // Call `initialize` with your Publisher ID (pub-0123456789012345)
  // (See:
  await adSense.initialize('0123456789012345');

  runApp(const MyApp());

Configure additional AdSense code parameters

You can pass an AdSenseCodeParameters object to the adSense.initialize call to configure additional settings, like a custom channel ID, or for regulatory compliance.

await adSense.initialize(
  adSenseCodeParameters: AdSenseCodeParameters(
    adbreakTest: 'on',
    adFrequencyHint: '30s',

Check the Google AdSense Help for a complete list of AdSense code parameter descriptions.