handleNotification method
- NotificationEvent event
Extract the details from the notification and send to Frame
void handleNotification(NotificationEvent event) async {
_log.fine('onData: $event');
// filter notifications for Maps
if (event.packageName != null &&
event.packageName == "com.google.android.apps.maps") {
setState(() {
_lastEvent = event;
try {
// send text to Frame
String text = '${event.title}\n${event.text}\n${event.raw!["subText"]}';
if (text != _prevText) {
String wrappedText = TextUtils.wrapText(text, 500, 4).join('\n');
await frame
?.sendMessage(TxPlainText(msgCode: 0x0a, text: wrappedText));
_prevText = text;
if (event.hasLargeIcon!) {
Uint8List iconBytes = event.largeIcon!;
_log.finest('Icon bytes: ${iconBytes.length}: $iconBytes');
if (!listEquals(iconBytes, _prevIcon)) {
_prevIcon = iconBytes;
// TODO if the maps icons are all 2-color bitmaps even though they're RGB(A?) bitmaps,
// maybe we can pack them and send as an indexed file more easily than having to do quantize()? Or using Image() at all.
final img.Image? image = img.decodeImage(iconBytes);
// Ensure the image is loaded correctly
if (image != null) {
'Image: ${image.width}x${image.height}, ${image.format}, ${image.hasAlpha}, ${image.hasPalette}, ${image.length}');
_log.finest('Image bytes: ${image.toUint8List()}');
// quantize the image for pack/send/display to frame
final qImage = img.quantize(image,
numberOfColors: 4,
method: img.QuantizeMethod.binary,
dither: img.DitherKernel.none,
ditherSerpentine: false);
Uint8List qImageBytes = qImage.toUint8List();
'QuantizedImage: ${qImage.width}x${qImage.height}, ${qImage.format}, ${qImage.hasAlpha}, ${qImage.hasPalette}, ${qImage.palette!.toUint8List()}, ${qImage.length}');
_log.finest('QuantizedImage bytes: $qImageBytes');
// send image message (header and image data) to Frame
await frame?.sendMessage(TxSprite(
msgCode: 0x0d,
width: qImage.width,
height: qImage.height,
numColors: qImage.palette!.lengthInBytes ~/ 3,
paletteData: qImage.palette!.toUint8List(),
pixelData: qImageBytes));
} catch (e) {
_log.severe('Error processing notification: $e');