initSessionUsernamePassword method

  1. @override
Future<Map<String, dynamic>> initSessionUsernamePassword(
  1. String username,
  2. String password, {
  3. bool getFullSession = false,
  4. bool sendInQuery = false,

Request a session token to uses other API endpoints using a username and password. If getFullSession is set to true, will also return the session details in session. If sendInQuery is set to true, will send the credentials in the query string instead of the header. Will throw an Exception if the session can't be initialized. Reference:


Future<Map<String, dynamic>> initSessionUsernamePassword(
    String username, String password,
    {bool getFullSession = false, bool sendInQuery = false}) async {
  final Map<String, String> headers = {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    ...?appToken != null ? {'App-Token': appToken!} : null,
        ? {
                'Basic ${base64Encode(utf8.encode('$username:$password'))}'
        : null,

  final uri = sendInQuery
      ? '$host/initSession?get_full_session=$getFullSession&login=$username&password=$password'
      : '$host/initSession?get_full_session=$getFullSession';

  final response = await _innerClient.get(Uri.parse(uri), headers: headers);

  if (response.statusCode != 200) {
    throw GlpiException.fromResponse(
        response.statusCode, json.decode(response.body));

  return Future.value(json.decode(response.body));