GlpiClientBase class abstract

Represent the base client for all GLPI API calls.

Implemented types


GlpiClientBase(Client _innerClient, String _host, {String? appToken, String? sessionToken})
The constructor used in subclasses


appToken String?
The appToken used to authenticate the requests. Can be set either a construction or later
getter/setter pairoverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
host String
The server host should either end with apirest.php or redirect on it.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sessionToken String?
The sessionToken used to authenticate the requests. Can be stored between session and used to construct a new client without calling initSessionUserToken or initSessionUserToken. Can be set either a construction or later
getter/setter pairoverride


addItems(GlpiItemType itemType, String data) Future<List<Map<String, String>>>
Return the id(s) of the item(s) added using the data as input. Don't use this method to upload a document To correctly format the data, see the examples and the documentation. Reference:
applyMassiveActions(GlpiItemType itemType, String massiveActionName, String payload) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Run the given massive action payload Must be a json string with the parameters for the action and the ids of the items to apply the action to. Reference:
changeActiveEntities(dynamic entitiesId, {bool recursive = false}) Future<bool>
Allow to change the active entity for the current user. entitiesId can either be the numerical id of the entity or all to load all the entities. recursive can be set to true to load all the sub-entities. Will throw an Exception if the request fails or if the selected id is incorrect. Reference:
changeActiveProfile(int profilesId) Future<bool>
Change the active profile for the current user. Will throw an Exception if the request fails or if the selected id is incorrect. Reference:
deleteItem(GlpiItemType itemType, int id, {bool forcePurge = false, bool history = true}) Future<Map<String, String>>
Return the id of the item deleted with true is the deletion is complete. forcePurge will delete the item permanently. history set to false will prevent the deletion from being added to the global history.
deleteItems(GlpiItemType itemType, String data) Future<List<Map<String, String>>>
Return the ids of the items deleted with true is the deletion is complete. Reference:
downloadDocument(int id) Future<String>
Allow to download a GlpiItemType.Document. id must be the id of the document to download. Reference:
getActiveEntities() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return the current active entity for the current user as a Map Reference:
getActiveProfile() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return the current active profile for the current user as a Map Reference:
getAllItem(GlpiItemType itemType, {bool expandDropdowns = false, bool getHateoas = true, bool onlyId = false, int rangeStart = 0, int rangeLimit = 50, String sort = 'id', String order = 'ASC', String searchText = 'NULL', bool isDeleted = false, List? addKeysNames}) Future<List>
Return ALL the items of the given type the current user can see, depending on your server configuration and the number of items proceeded it may have unexpected results. GlpiItemType contains all the available item types according to the latest GLPI documentation. By default, only the 50 firsts item will be returned. This can be changed by setting the rangeStart parameter and rangeLimit parameters. Reference:
getFullSession() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return the session data include in the php $_SESSION. For the moment it's just a Map of the json response. Reference:
getGlpiConfig() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return the Glpi instance configuration data inside a Map. Reference:
getItem(GlpiItemType itemtype, int id, {bool expandDropdowns = false, bool getHateoas = true, bool getSha1 = false, bool withDevices = false, bool withDisks = false, bool withSoftwares = false, bool withConnections = false, bool withNetworkPorts = false, bool withInfoComs = false, bool withContracts = false, bool withDocuments = false, bool withTickets = false, bool withProblems = false, bool withChanges = false, bool withNotes = false, bool withLogs = false, List<String>? addKeysNames}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return an item identified by the id and of type itemType Will throw an Exception if the request fails or if the selected id is incorrect. withDevices will be ignored if the itemtype isn't GlpiItemType.Computer,GlpiItemType.NetworkEquipment,GlpiItemType.Peripheral,GlpiItemType.Phone or GlpiItemType.Printer. withDisks, withSoftwares, withConnections will be ignored if the itemtype isn't GlpiItemType.Computer. Reference:
getMassiveActionParameters(GlpiItemType itemType, String massiveActionName) Future<List<Map<String, String>>>
Show the awaitables parameters for a given massive action Warning: experimental endpoint, some required parameters may be missing from the returned content. Reference:
getMassiveActions(GlpiItemType itemType, {bool isDeleted = false}) Future<List<Map<String, String>>>
Return the available massive actions for a given itemtype isDeleted (default false): Show specific actions for items in the trash bin Reference:
getMassiveActionsItem(GlpiItemType itemType, int id) Future<List<Map<String, String>>>
Return the awaitables massive actions for a given itemType and id. Reference:
getMultipleItems(List<Map<GlpiItemType, int>> items, {bool expandDropdowns = false, bool getHateoas = true, bool getSha1 = false, bool withDevices = false, bool withDisks = false, bool withSoftwares = false, bool withConnections = false, bool withNetworkPorts = false, bool withInfoComs = false, bool withContracts = false, bool withDocuments = false, bool withTickets = false, bool withProblems = false, bool withChanges = false, bool withNotes = false, bool withLogs = false, List<String>? addKeysNames}) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return multiples items from many types. You must pass a List of Map with the following structure a GlpiItemType as the key and the id of the item as the value. Reference:
getMyEntities({bool isRecursive = false}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return the entities list for the current user. Setting isRecursive to true will get the list of all the entities and sub-entities. Entities are under the key myentities Reference:
getMyProfiles() Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return a Map of all the profile for the current user Profiles are under the key myprofiles Reference:
getSubItems(GlpiItemType mainItemtype, int mainItemId, GlpiItemType subItemType, {bool expandDropdowns = false, bool getHateoas = true, bool onlyId = false, int rangeStart = 0, int rangeLimit = 50, String sort = 'id', String order = 'ASC', List? addKeysNames}) Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>>
Return the sub-items of subItemType the item identified by the mainItemId and of type mainItemtype Will throw an Exception if the request fails or if the selected id is incorrect. Reference:
getUserProfilePicture(int id) Future<String>
Get a user's profile picture. id must be the id of the user to get the picture. Reference:
initSessionUsernamePassword(String username, String password, {bool getFullSession = false, bool sendInQuery = false}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Request a session token to uses other API endpoints using a username and password. If getFullSession is set to true, will also return the session details in session. If sendInQuery is set to true, will send the credentials in the query string instead of the header. Will throw an Exception if the session can't be initialized. Reference:
initSessionUserToken(String userToken, {bool getFullSession = false, bool sendInQuery = false}) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Request a session token to uses other API endpoints using a userToken. If getFullSession is set to true, will also return the session details in session. If sendInQuery is set to true, will send the credentials in the query string instead of the header. Will throw an Exception if the session can't be initialized. Reference:
killSession() Future<bool>
Return true if the client is successfully disconnected from the API. Will throw an Exception if the session can't be disconnected. Reference:
listSearchOptions(GlpiItemType itemType) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Return all the searchOptions usable in search criteria for a given GlpiItemType.
lostPassword(String email, {String? passwordForgetToken, String? newPassword}) Future<bool>
Allow to request a password reset for the account using the email address. Return true if the request is successful BUT this doesn't mean that your glpi is configured to send emails. Check the glpi's configuration to see the prerequisites (notifications need to be enabled). If passwordForgetToken AND newPassword are set, the password will be changed with the value of newPassword instead. Sending passwordForgetToken without newPassword and the opposite will throw an ArgumentError. Reference:
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
** This method is untested for the moment ** Return items found using the GLPI searchEngine Reference:
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateItem(GlpiItemType itemType, int id, Map<String, dynamic> data) Future<Map<String, String>>
Return an array with the updated item id and a message. To correctly format the data, see the examples and the documentation. Reference:
updateItems(GlpiItemType itemType, String data) Future<List<Map<String, String>>>
Return the id(s) of the item(s) updated using the data as input. To correctly format the data, see the examples and the documentation. Reference:
uploadDocument(covariant dynamic file) Future<Map<String, dynamic>>
Allow to upload a GlpiItemType.Document. file must be a File object. Unsupported on the web. Reference:


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.