glade_forms library


ConverterToType<T> = T Function(String? rawInput, T cantConvert(Object error, {Object? key, OnConvertError? onError, required String? rawValue}))
CreateModelFunction<M extends GladeModel> = M Function(BuildContext context)
CustomValidatorType<T> = GladeValidatorError<T>? Function(T value, {required InputDependencies dependencies, Object? extra})
ErrorTranslator<T> = String Function(GladeInputError<T> error, Object? key, String devMessage, InputDependencies dependencies)
GladeFormListenerFn<M extends GladeModel> = void Function(BuildContext context, M model, List<String> lastUpdatedInputKey)
GladeFormWidgetBuilder<M extends GladeModel> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, M model, Widget? child)
InputDependencies = List<GladeInput<Object?>>
InputDependenciesFactory = InputDependencies Function()
OnChange<T> = void Function(ChangesInfo<T> info, InputDependencies dependencies)
OnConvertError = String Function(String? rawInput, {Object? extra, Object? key})
Before validation when converer from string to prpoer type failed.
OnErrorCallback<T> = ConvertError<T> Function(String? rawValue, Object error)
OnValidateError<T> = String Function(T? value, Object? extra)
When validation failed but we already have propert T value.
SatisfyPredicate<T> = bool Function(T value, Object? extra, InputDependencies dependencies)
StringInput = GladeInput<String>
StringValidatorFactory = ValidatorInstance<String> Function(StringValidator validator)
TypeConverterToString<T> = String? Function(T rawInput)
ValidateFunction<T> = GladeValidatorError<T>? Function(T value, {required InputDependencies dependencies, Object? extra})
ValidatorFactory<T> = ValidatorInstance<T> Function(GladeValidator<T> v)
ValueComparator<T> = bool Function(T? initial, T? value)
ValueTransform<T> = T Function(T input)

Exceptions / Errors
