settingsCellTop method

  1. @override
Widget settingsCellTop(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. Key? key,
  3. Set<MaterialState>? materialStates,
  4. required int cellIndex,
  5. required int cellCount,
  6. Map<String, dynamic>? extraInfo,

Cells Settings Cell Topper

  • a widget to appear above of the settings cell (keyline or something)
  • context the current BuildContext
  • materialStates a set of the current states this cell is in (pressed, selected, disabled, etc)
  • cellIndex the index number of this cell in its section
  • cellCount the total number of cells in its section
  • extraInfo a map where you can pass additional info through to your subclasses to be used however you need


/// Settings Cell Topper
/// - a widget to appear above of the settings cell (keyline or something)
/// - [context] the current BuildContext
/// - [materialStates] a set of the current states this cell is in (pressed, selected, disabled, etc)
/// - [cellIndex] the index number of this cell in its section
/// - [cellCount] the total number of cells in its section
/// - [extraInfo] a map where you can pass additional info through to your subclasses to be used however you need
Widget settingsCellTop(BuildContext context, {Key? key, Set<MaterialState>? materialStates, required int cellIndex, required int cellCount, Map<String, dynamic>? extraInfo}) {
  return cellIndex == 0 ? keyline(context, key: key, extraInfo: extraInfo) : SizedBox.shrink();