buildContents method

  1. @override
Widget buildContents(
  1. BuildContext context, {
  2. Key? key,
  3. Set<MaterialState>? materialStates,

buildContents() is called by the parent's state build() method

  • treat this like the build() call of a normal StatelessWidget, but with the additional materialStates object that can be used for customization


Widget buildContents(BuildContext context, {Key? key, Set<MaterialState>? materialStates}) {
  materialStates ??= <MaterialState>{};
  var skinDelegate = SettingsSkin.of(context)?.delegate ?? DefaultSkin();
  return skinDelegate.buttonContent(context, key: key, type: type, materialStates: materialStates, title: title, subtitle: subtitle, leadingWidget: leadingWidget, accessoryType: accessoryType, extraInfo: extraInfo);