ButtonSettingsCell constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. Set<MaterialState>? initialStates,
  3. ButtonType type = ButtonType.Normal,
  4. String title = '',
  5. String subtitle = '',
  6. Widget? leadingWidget,
  7. AccessoryType accessoryType = AccessoryType.None,
  8. VoidCallback? onPressed,
  9. Map<String, dynamic>? extraInfo,

Button Settings Cell This generates a button cell with an optional icon/image, title, subtitle, and accessory

  • context the current BuildContext
  • materialStates a set of the current states this cell is in (pressed, selected, disabled, etc)
  • type a button type (Normal, Cancel, Destructive, or Custom)
  • title main text description
  • subtitle secondary text description
  • leadingWidget an optional leading image/icon
  • accessoryType can indicate if a disclosure arrow, checkmark, or other symbol should be on the trailing side of cell
  • onPressed the function to call when the button is pressed
  • extraInfo a map where you can pass additional info through to your subclasses to be used however you need


ButtonSettingsCell({Key? key, Set<MaterialState>? initialStates, this.type = ButtonType.Normal, this.title = '', this.subtitle = '', this.leadingWidget, this.accessoryType = AccessoryType.None, VoidCallback? onPressed, Map<String, dynamic>? extraInfo})
    : super(key: key, initialStates: initialStates, onPressed: onPressed, extraInfo: extraInfo);