github_actions_toolkit library

More dartdocs go here.


Objects that represent an input of the action


env → const Env
Getters to access properties of the default environment set by GitHub
log → const Log
Logging commands


isDebug bool
True iff the secret ACTIONS_STEP_DEBUG is set with the value true
no setter


addPath(String path) → void
Prepends a directory to the system PATH variable for all subsequent actions in the current job.
exec(String executable, List<String> arguments, {String? workingDirectory, bool silent = false, Map<String, String>? environment}) Future<ProcessResult>
Runs a command in a shell. Returns a ProcessResult once the process has terminated.
execInParallel(String executable, List<String> arguments, {String? workingDirectory, Map<String, String>? environment}) Future<ProcessResult>
Runs a command in a shell, without waiting for other processes to complete. Returns a ProcessResult once the process has terminated.
exportVariable(String name, String value) → void
Creates or updates an environment variable for any actions running NEXT in a job.
getState(String name) String?
Gets the value of a state set using saveState
maskValueInLog(String value) → void
Masking a value prevents a string or variable from being printed in the log.
saveState(String name, String value) → void
You can use this command to create environment variables for sharing with your workflow's pre: or post: actions.
setEnvironmentVariable(String name, String value) → void
Alias for exportVariable
setOutput(String name, String value) → void
Sets an action's output parameter.
setSecret(String value) → void
Alias for maskValueInLog