listCommits method

Stream<RepositoryCommit> listCommits(
  1. RepositorySlug slug, {
  2. String? sha,
  3. String? path,
  4. String? author,
  5. String? committer,
  6. DateTime? since,
  7. DateTime? until,

Lists the commits of the provided repository slug.

sha is the SHA or branch to start listing commits from. Default: the repository’s default branch (usually main).

path will only show commits that changed that file path.

author and committer are the GitHub username to filter commits for.

since shows commit after this time, and until shows commits before this time.

API docs:


Stream<RepositoryCommit> listCommits(
  RepositorySlug slug, {
  String? sha,
  String? path,
  String? author,
  String? committer,
  DateTime? since,
  DateTime? until,
}) {
  final params = <String, dynamic>{
    if (author != null) 'author': author,
    if (committer != null) 'committer': committer,
    if (sha != null) 'sha': sha,
    if (path != null) 'path': path,
    if (since != null) 'since': since.toIso8601String(),
    if (until != null) 'until': until.toIso8601String(),
  return PaginationHelper(github)
      .objects<Map<String, dynamic>, RepositoryCommit>(
    params: params,