RepositoriesService class

The RepositoriesService handles communication with repository related methods of the GitHub API.

API docs:



RepositoriesService(GitHub github)


github GitHub
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


addCollaborator(RepositorySlug slug, String user) Future<bool>
compareCommits(RepositorySlug slug, String refBase, String refHead) Future<GitHubComparison>
refBase and refHead can be the same value for a branch, commit, or ref in slug or specify other repositories by using repo:ref syntax.
createCommitComment(RepositorySlug slug, RepositoryCommit commit, {required String body, String? path, int? position, int? line}) Future<CommitComment>
Create a comment for a commit using its sha.
createDeployKey(RepositorySlug slug, CreatePublicKey key) Future<PublicKey>
Adds a deploy key for a repository.
createFile(RepositorySlug slug, CreateFile file) Future<ContentCreation>
Creates a new file in a repository.
createFork(RepositorySlug slug, [CreateFork? fork]) Future<Repository>
Creates a fork for the authenticated user.
createHook(RepositorySlug slug, CreateHook hook) Future<Hook>
Creates a repository hook based on the specified hook.
createRelease(RepositorySlug slug, CreateRelease createRelease, {bool getIfExists = true}) Future<Release>
Creates a Release based on the specified createRelease.
createRepository(CreateRepository repository, {String? org}) Future<Repository>
Creates a repository with repository. If an org is specified, the new repository will be created under that organization. If no org is specified, it will be created for the authenticated user.
createStatus(RepositorySlug slug, String ref, CreateStatus request) Future<RepositoryStatus>
Creates a new status for a repository at the specified reference. The ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name.
deleteCommitComment(RepositorySlug slug, {required int id}) Future<bool>
Delete a commit comment. *id: id of the comment to delete.
deleteDeployKey({required RepositorySlug slug, required PublicKey key}) Future<bool>
Delete a deploy key.
deleteFile(RepositorySlug slug, String path, String message, String sha, String branch) Future<ContentCreation>
Deletes the specified file.
deleteHook(RepositorySlug slug, int id) Future<bool>
deleteRelease(RepositorySlug slug, Release release) Future<bool>
Delete the release.
deleteReleaseAsset(RepositorySlug slug, ReleaseAsset asset) Future<bool>
Delete a release asset.
deleteRepository(RepositorySlug slug) Future<bool>
Deletes a repository.
editHook(RepositorySlug slug, Hook hookToEdit, {String? configUrl, String? configContentType, String? configSecret, bool? configInsecureSsl, List<String>? events, List<String>? addEvents, List<String>? removeEvents, bool? active}) Future<Hook>
Edits a hook.
editRelease(RepositorySlug slug, Release releaseToEdit, {String? tagName, String? targetCommitish, String? name, String? body, bool? draft, bool? preRelease}) Future<Release>
Edits the given release with new fields.
editReleaseAsset(RepositorySlug slug, ReleaseAsset assetToEdit, {String? name, String? label}) Future<ReleaseAsset>
Edits a release asset.
editRepository(RepositorySlug slug, {String? name, String? description, String? homepage, bool? private, bool? hasIssues, bool? hasWiki, bool? hasDownloads}) Future<Repository>
Edit a Repository.
generateReleaseNotes(CreateReleaseNotes crn) Future<ReleaseNotes>
Generate a name and body describing a release. The body content will be markdown formatted and contain information like the changes since last release and users who contributed. The generated release notes are not saved anywhere. They are intended to be generated and used when creating a new release.
Gets an archive link for the specified repository and reference.
getBranch(RepositorySlug slug, String branch) Future<Branch>
Fetches the specified branch.
getCombinedStatus(RepositorySlug slug, String ref) Future<CombinedRepositoryStatus>
Gets a Combined Status for the specified repository and ref.
getCommit(RepositorySlug slug, String sha) Future<RepositoryCommit>
Fetches the specified commit.
getCommitComment(RepositorySlug slug, {required int id}) Future<CommitComment>
Retrieve a commit comment by its id.
getCommitDiff(RepositorySlug slug, String sha) Future<String>
getContents(RepositorySlug slug, String path, {String? ref}) Future<RepositoryContents>
Fetches content in a repository at the specified path.
getDeployKey(RepositorySlug slug, {required int id}) Future<PublicKey>
Get a deploy key.
getHook(RepositorySlug slug, int id) Future<Hook>
Fetches a single hook by id.
getLatestPagesBuild(RepositorySlug slug) Future<PageBuild>
Get latest Pages build.
getLatestRelease(RepositorySlug slug) Future<Release>
Lists the latest release for the specified repository.
getLicense(RepositorySlug slug) Future<LicenseDetails>
getPagesInfo(RepositorySlug slug) Future<RepositoryPages>
Fetches the GitHub pages information for the specified repository.
getParticipation(RepositorySlug slug) Future<ContributorParticipation>
Fetches Participation Breakdowns.
getReadme(RepositorySlug slug, {String? ref}) Future<GitHubFile>
Fetches the readme file for a repository.
getReleaseAsset(RepositorySlug slug, Release release, {required int assetId}) Future<ReleaseAsset>
Get a single release asset.
getReleaseById(RepositorySlug slug, int id) Future<Release>
Fetches a single release by the release ID.
getReleaseByTagName(RepositorySlug slug, String? tagName) Future<Release>
Fetches a single release by the release tag name.
getRepositories(List<RepositorySlug> slugs) Stream<Repository>
Fetches a list of repositories specified by slugs.
getRepository(RepositorySlug slug) Future<Repository>
Fetches the repository specified by the slug.
isCollaborator(RepositorySlug slug, String user) Future<bool>
listBranches(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<Branch>
Lists the branches of the specified repository.
listCodeFrequency(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<WeeklyChangesCount>
Fetches weekly addition and deletion counts.
listCollaborators(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<Collaborator>
Lists the users that have access to the repository identified by slug.
listCommitActivity(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<YearCommitCountWeek>
Fetches commit counts for the past year.
listCommitComments(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<CommitComment>
Returns a list of all commit comments in a repository.
listCommits(RepositorySlug slug, {String? sha, String? path, String? author, String? committer, DateTime? since, DateTime? until}) Stream<RepositoryCommit>
Lists the commits of the provided repository slug.
listContributors(RepositorySlug slug, {bool anon = false}) Stream<Contributor>
Lists the contributors of the specified repository.
listContributorStats(RepositorySlug slug) Future<List<ContributorStatistics>>
Lists repository contributor statistics.
listDeployKeys(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<PublicKey>
Lists the deploy keys for a repository.
listForks(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<Repository>
Lists the forks of the specified repository.
listHooks(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<Hook>
Lists the hooks of the specified repository.
listLanguages(RepositorySlug slug) Future<LanguageBreakdown>
Gets a language breakdown for the specified repository.
listOrganizationRepositories(String org, {String type = 'all'}) Stream<Repository>
List repositories for the specified org.
listPagesBuilds(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<PageBuild>
List Pages builds.
listPublicRepositories({int limit = 50, DateTime? since}) Stream<Repository>
Lists all the public repositories on GitHub, in the order that they were created.
listPunchcard(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<PunchcardEntry>
Fetches Punchcard.
listReleaseAssets(RepositorySlug slug, Release release) Stream<ReleaseAsset>
Lists assets for a release.
listReleases(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<Release>
Lists releases for the specified repository.
listRepositories({String type = 'owner', String sort = 'full_name', String direction = 'asc'}) Stream<Repository>
Lists the repositories of the currently authenticated user.
listSingleCommitComments(RepositorySlug slug, RepositoryCommit commit) Stream<CommitComment>
Returns a list of all comments for a specific commit.
listStatuses(RepositorySlug slug, String ref) Stream<RepositoryStatus>
Lists the statuses of a repository at the specified reference. The ref can be a SHA, a branch name, or a tag name.
listTags(RepositorySlug slug, {int page = 1, int? pages, int perPage = 30}) Stream<Tag>
Lists the tags of the specified repository.
listTeams(RepositorySlug slug) Stream<Team>
Lists the teams of the specified repository.
listUserRepositories(String user, {String type = 'owner', String sort = 'full_name', String direction = 'asc'}) Stream<Repository>
Lists the repositories of the user specified by user in a streamed fashion.
merge(RepositorySlug slug, CreateMerge merge) Future<RepositoryCommit>
Merges a branch in the specified repository.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pingHook(RepositorySlug slug, int id) Future<bool>
Pings the hook.
removeCollaborator(RepositorySlug slug, String user) Future<bool>
testPushHook(RepositorySlug slug, int id) Future<bool>
Triggers a hook with the latest push.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
updateCommitComment(RepositorySlug slug, {required int id, required String body}) Future<CommitComment>
Update a commit comment
updateFile(RepositorySlug slug, String path, String message, String content, String sha, {String? branch}) Future<ContentCreation>
Updates the specified file.
uploadReleaseAssets(Release release, Iterable<CreateReleaseAsset> createReleaseAssets) Future<List<ReleaseAsset>>


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.