editRelease method

Future<Release> editRelease(
  1. RepositorySlug slug,
  2. Release releaseToEdit, {
  3. String? tagName,
  4. String? targetCommitish,
  5. String? name,
  6. String? body,
  7. bool? draft,
  8. bool? preRelease,

Edits the given release with new fields.

  • tagName: The name of the tag.
  • targetCommitish: Specifies the commitish value that determines where the Git tag is created from. Can be any branch or commit SHA. Unused if the Git tag already exists. Default: the repository's default branch (usually master).
  • name: The name of the release.
  • body: Text describing the contents of the tag.
  • draft: true makes the release a draft, and false publishes the release.
  • preRelease: true to identify the release as a prerelease, false to identify the release as a full release.

Leave blank the fields you don't want to edit.

API docs: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#edit-a-release


Future<Release> editRelease(
  RepositorySlug slug,
  Release releaseToEdit, {
  String? tagName,
  String? targetCommitish,
  String? name,
  String? body,
  bool? draft,
  bool? preRelease,
}) async {
  return github.postJSON<Map<String, dynamic>, Release>(
    body: GitHubJson.encode(createNonNullMap(<String, dynamic>{
      'tag_name': tagName ?? releaseToEdit.tagName,
      'target_commitish': targetCommitish ?? releaseToEdit.targetCommitish,
      'name': name ?? releaseToEdit.name,
      'body': body ?? releaseToEdit.body,
      'draft': draft ?? releaseToEdit.isDraft,
      'prerelease': preRelease ?? releaseToEdit.isPrerelease,
    statusCode: StatusCodes.OK,
    convert: Release.fromJson,