ExWidget extension




align(AlignmentGeometry alignment, {Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

alignBottomCenter() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 底部
alignBottomLeft() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 下左边
alignBottomRight() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 下右边
alignCenter() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 中间
alignCenterLeft() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 左边
alignCenterRight() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 右边
alignTopCenter() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 顶部居中
alignTopLeft() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 上左边
alignTopRight() Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

对齐 上右边
aspectRatio({Key? key, required double aspectRatio}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

backgroundColor(Color color, {Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

backgroundImage(DecorationImage image, {Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

border({Key? key, double? all, double? left, double? right, double? top, double? bottom, double? radius, Color? backgroundColor, Color color = const Color(0xFF000000), BorderStyle style = BorderStyle.solid}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

boxShadow({Key? key, Color color = Colors.black, Offset offset = Offset.zero, double blurRadius = 0.0, double spreadRadius = 0.0, BlurStyle blurStyle = BlurStyle.normal}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

card({Key? key, Color? color, Color? shadowColor, Color? surfaceTintColor, double? elevation = 5, ShapeBorder? shape, bool borderOnForeground = true, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, Clip? clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias, bool semanticContainer = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

center({Key? key, double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

clipOval({Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

clipRect({Key? key, CustomClipper<Rect>? clipper, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.hardEdge}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

clipRRect({Key? key, double? all, double? topLeft, double? topRight, double? bottomLeft, double? bottomRight, CustomClipper<RRect>? clipper, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.antiAlias}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

constrained({Key? key, double? width, double? height, double minWidth = 0.0, double maxWidth = double.infinity, double minHeight = 0.0, double maxHeight = double.infinity}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

decorated({Key? key, Color? color, DecorationImage? image, BoxBorder? border, BorderRadius? borderRadius, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadow, Gradient? gradient, BlendMode? backgroundBlendMode, BoxShape shape = BoxShape.rectangle, DecorationPosition position = DecorationPosition.background}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

elevation(double elevation, {Key? key, BorderRadiusGeometry borderRadius = BorderRadius.zero, Color shadowColor = const Color(0xFF000000)}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

expand({Key? key, int flex = 1}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

expand 撑满
fittedBox({Key? key, BoxFit fit = BoxFit.contain, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.centerLeft, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

flexible({Key? key, int flex = 1, FlexFit fit = FlexFit.loose}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

fractionallySizedBox({Key? key, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, double? widthFactor, double? heightFactor}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

gestures({Key? key, GestureOnTapChangeCallback? onTapChange, GestureTapDownCallback? onTapDown, GestureTapUpCallback? onTapUp, GestureTapCallback? onTap, GestureTapCancelCallback? onTapCancel, GestureTapDownCallback? onSecondaryTapDown, GestureTapUpCallback? onSecondaryTapUp, GestureTapCancelCallback? onSecondaryTapCancel, GestureTapCallback? onDoubleTap, GestureLongPressCallback? onLongPress, GestureLongPressStartCallback? onLongPressStart, GestureLongPressMoveUpdateCallback? onLongPressMoveUpdate, GestureLongPressUpCallback? onLongPressUp, GestureLongPressEndCallback? onLongPressEnd, GestureDragDownCallback? onVerticalDragDown, GestureDragStartCallback? onVerticalDragStart, GestureDragUpdateCallback? onVerticalDragUpdate, GestureDragEndCallback? onVerticalDragEnd, GestureDragCancelCallback? onVerticalDragCancel, GestureDragDownCallback? onHorizontalDragDown, GestureDragStartCallback? onHorizontalDragStart, GestureDragUpdateCallback? onHorizontalDragUpdate, GestureDragEndCallback? onHorizontalDragEnd, GestureDragCancelCallback? onHorizontalDragCancel, GestureDragDownCallback? onPanDown, GestureDragStartCallback? onPanStart, GestureDragUpdateCallback? onPanUpdate, GestureDragEndCallback? onPanEnd, GestureDragCancelCallback? onPanCancel, GestureScaleStartCallback? onScaleStart, GestureScaleUpdateCallback? onScaleUpdate, GestureScaleEndCallback? onScaleEnd, GestureForcePressStartCallback? onForcePressStart, GestureForcePressPeakCallback? onForcePressPeak, GestureForcePressUpdateCallback? onForcePressUpdate, GestureForcePressEndCallback? onForcePressEnd, HitTestBehavior? behavior, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

height(double height, {Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

inkWell({Key? key, Color? color, double? borderRadius, dynamic onTap()?, dynamic onLongPress()?}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

limitedBox({Key? key, double maxWidth = double.infinity, double maxHeight = double.infinity}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

限制盒子 最大宽高
offstage({Key? key, bool offstage = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

onLongPress(GestureTapCallback? onLongPress, {Key? key, HitTestBehavior? behavior, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

onTap(GestureTapCallback? onTap, {Key? key, HitTestBehavior? behavior, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

opacity(double opacity, {Key? key, bool alwaysIncludeSemantics = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

overflow({Key? key, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, double? minWidth, double? maxWidth, double? minHeight, double? maxHeight}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

padding({Key? key, EdgeInsetsGeometry? value, double? all, double? horizontal, double? vertical, double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

positioned({Key? key, double? left, double? top, double? right, double? bottom, double? width, double? height}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

Stack布局 位置
ripple({Key? key, Color? focusColor, Color? hoverColor, Color? highlightColor, Color? splashColor, InteractiveInkFeatureFactory? splashFactory, double? radius, ShapeBorder? customBorder, bool enableFeedback = true, bool excludeFromSemantics = false, FocusNode? focusNode, bool canRequestFocus = true, bool autoFocus = false, bool enable = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

safeArea({Key? key, bool top = true, bool bottom = true, bool left = true, bool right = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

scale({Key? key, double? all, double? x, double? y, Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, bool transformHitTests = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

scrollable({Key? key, Axis scrollDirection = Axis.vertical, bool reverse = false, bool? primary, ScrollPhysics? physics = const ClampingScrollPhysics(), ScrollController? controller, DragStartBehavior dragStartBehavior = DragStartBehavior.start, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

scrollbar({Key? key, ScrollController? controller, bool? thumbVisibility, bool? trackVisibility, double? thickness, Radius? radius, bool notificationPredicate(ScrollNotification)?, bool? interactive, ScrollbarOrientation? scrollbarOrientation}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

sliver({Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

sliverPadding({Key? key, EdgeInsetsGeometry? value, double? all, double? horizontal, double? vertical, double? top, double? bottom, double? left, double? right}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

Sliver 内间距
sliverPaddingBottom(double val) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

内间距 下
sliverPaddingHorizontal(double val) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

内间距 横向
sliverPaddingLeft(double val) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

内间距 左
sliverPaddingRight(double val) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

内间距 右
sliverPaddingTop(double val) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

内间距 上
sliverPaddingVertical(double val) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

内间距 纵向
tight({double? width, double? height, double? size, Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

tooltip({Key? key, String? message, InlineSpan? richMessage, double? height, EdgeInsetsGeometry? padding, EdgeInsetsGeometry? margin, double? verticalOffset, bool? preferBelow, bool? excludeFromSemantics, Decoration? decoration, TextStyle? textStyle, TextAlign? textAlign, Duration? waitDuration, Duration? showDuration, Duration? exitDuration, bool? enableTapToDismiss, TooltipTriggerMode? triggerMode, bool? enableFeedback, void onTriggered()?}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

transform({Key? key, required Matrix4 transform, Offset? origin, AlignmentGeometry? alignment, bool transformHitTests = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

Transforms Matrix4
translate({Key? key, required Offset offset, bool transformHitTests = true}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

Translate 变化位置
unConstrained({Key? key, TextDirection? textDirection, AlignmentGeometry alignment = Alignment.center, Axis? constrainedAxis, Clip clipBehavior = Clip.none}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

visibility({Key? key, required bool visible, bool maintainSize = false, bool maintainState = false, bool maintainAnimation = false}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension

width(double width, {Key? key}) Widget

Available on Widget, provided by the ExWidget extension
