StringX extension



afterDot String
no setter
asterik String
no setter
base64Decoded Uint8List?
no setter
base64Encoded String
no setter
capitalized String
Capitalize each word inside string Example: your name => Your Name
no setter
capitalizedFirst String
Uppercase first letter inside string and let the others lowercase Example: your name => Your name
no setter
color Color
no setter
colorAccent Color
no setter
colorMaterial Color
no setter
colorPrimary Color
no setter
decrypted Future<String>
no setter
encrypted Future<String>
no setter
isNotBlank bool
no setter
json → dynamic
no setter
lowercase String
Lowercase each word inside string Example: Your Name => your name
no setter
lowercaseFirst String
Lowercase first letter of string Example: Your Name => your Name
no setter
notBlank String?
no setter
notEmpty String?
no setter
uppercase String
Uppercase each word inside string Example: your name => YOUR NAME
no setter


cipher(CipherType type) Future<String>
containsIgnoreCase(String? s) bool
equalsIgnoreCase(String? s) bool
isPasswordStrong({int min = 8}) bool
post(dynamic post, {int doFor = 1, bool doIf = true, dynamic between, dynamic pre}) String
pre(dynamic pre, {int doFor = 1, bool doIf = true, dynamic between, dynamic post}) String
skip([int count = 1]) String
skipLast([int count = 1]) String
skipLastWhile(bool predicate(String)) String
skipWhile(bool predicate(String)) String
surround(dynamic surround, {int doFor = 1, bool doIf = true, String between = ""}) String
take([int count = 1]) String
takeInitials(int count, {bool fill = false, bool withoutGarbage = false, List<String> garbage = garbage}) String
takeInitialsWithoutGarbage(int count, {bool fill = false, List<String> garbage = garbage}) String
takeLast([int count = 1]) String
takeLastWhile(bool predicate(String)) String
takeWhile(bool predicate(String)) String
toBytes() Uint8List?
toDouble() double
toInt() int
toUTF8() List<int>?


garbage → const List<String>