watchFuture<T extends Object, R> method

AsyncSnapshot<R?> watchFuture<T extends Object, R>(
  1. Future<R> select(
    1. T
  2. R initialValue, {
  3. String? instanceName,
  4. bool preserveState = true,

awaits the Future returned by select and triggers a rebuild as soon as the Future completes. After that it returns an AsyncSnapshot with the received data from the Future When you call watchFuture a second time on the same Future it will return the last received data but not observe the Future a another time. To be able to use watchStream inside a build function we have to pass initialValue so that it can return something before the Future has completed if select returns a different Future than on the last call, watchFuture will ignore the completion of the previous Future and observe the completion of the new Future. preserveState determines then if the new initial value should be the last value of the previous stream or again initialValue


AsyncSnapshot<R?> watchFuture<T extends Object, R>(
  Future<R> Function(T) select,
  R initialValue, {
  String? instanceName,
  bool preserveState = true,
}) =>
    widget._state.value.registerFutureHandler<T, R>(select,
        initialValueProvider: () => initialValue,
        instanceName: instanceName,
        preserveState: preserveState,
        allowMultipleSubscribers: false);