RxBoolExt extension



isFalse bool

Available on Rx<bool>, provided by the RxBoolExt extension

no setter
isTrue bool

Available on Rx<bool>, provided by the RxBoolExt extension

no setter


toggle() Rx<bool>

Available on Rx<bool>, provided by the RxBoolExt extension

Toggles the bool value between false and true. A shortcut for flag.value = !flag.value; FIXME: why return this? fluent interface is not not really a dart thing since we have '..' operator


operator &(bool other) bool

Available on Rx<bool>, provided by the RxBoolExt extension

operator ^(bool other) bool

Available on Rx<bool>, provided by the RxBoolExt extension

operator |(bool other) bool

Available on Rx<bool>, provided by the RxBoolExt extension