GetStringUtils extension
- on
- camelCase → String?
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - capitalize → String?
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - capitalizeFirst → String?
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isAlphabetOnly → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isAPKFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isAudioFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isBinary → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isBool → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isCnpj → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isCpf → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isCurrency → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isDateTime → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isDocumentFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isEmail → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isExcelFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isHexadecimal → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isHTMLFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isImageFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isIPv4 → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isIPv6 → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isMD5 → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isNum → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isNumericOnly → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isPalindrom → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isPassport → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isPDFFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isPhoneNumber → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isPPTFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isSHA1 → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isSHA256 → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isTxtFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isURL → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isVectorFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - isVideoFileName → bool
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - paramCase → String?
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter - removeAllWhitespace → String
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
no setter
[Iterable? segments]) → String -
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
String b) → bool -
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
String b) → bool -
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension
{bool firstWordOnly = false}) → String -
Available on String, provided by the GetStringUtils extension