GetPage<T> class
GetPage({required String name, required GetPageBuilder page, String? title, bool? participatesInRootNavigator, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?, bool maintainState = true, Curve curve = Curves.linear, Alignment? alignment, Map<String, String>? parameters, bool opaque = true, Duration? transitionDuration, Duration? reverseTransitionDuration, bool? popGesture, BindingsInterface? binding, List<BindingsInterface> bindings = const [], List<Bind> binds = const [], Transition? transition, CustomTransition? customTransition, bool fullscreenDialog = false, List<GetPage> children = const <GetPage>[], List<GetMiddleware> middlewares = const [], GetPage? unknownRoute, Object? arguments, bool showCupertinoParallax = true, bool preventDuplicates = true, PreventDuplicateHandlingMode preventDuplicateHandlingMode = PreventDuplicateHandlingMode.reorderRoutes, Completer<T?>? completer, bool inheritParentPath = true, LocalKey? key, bool canPop = true, PopInvokedWithResultCallback<T> onPopInvoked = _defaultPopInvokedHandler, String? restorationId})
canUpdate(Page other)
→ bool
Whether this page can be updated with the
copyWith({LocalKey? key, String? name, GetPageBuilder? page, bool? popGesture, Map<String, String>? parameters, String? title, Transition? transition, Curve? curve, Alignment? alignment, bool? maintainState, bool? opaque, List<BindingsInterface>? bindings, BindingsInterface? binding, List<Bind>? binds, CustomTransition? customTransition, Duration? transitionDuration, Duration? reverseTransitionDuration, bool? fullscreenDialog, RouteSettings? settings, List<GetPage<T>>? children, GetPage? unknownRoute, List<GetMiddleware>? middlewares, bool? preventDuplicates, double gestureWidth(BuildContext context)?, bool? participatesInRootNavigator, Object? arguments, bool? showCupertinoParallax, Completer<T?>? completer, bool? inheritParentPath, bool? canPop, PopInvokedWithResultCallback<T>? onPopInvoked, String? restorationId})
→ GetPage<T>
createRoute(BuildContext context)
→ Route<T>
Creates the Route that corresponds to this page.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
→ String
A string representation of this object.