basic library

Access to known countries and their meta data.

This import doesn't offer much. Use this if you want to work with the basic data structures on your own, with little to no implementation support.


Represents a physical city, the most precise level for this library
Represents a physical country, the least precision level for this library
The base class for all geography data types addressable by the longitude and latitude system
The base class for all geography data types addressable by the longitude and latitude system
The base class for all geography data types having a name and id, and addressable by the longitude and latitude system
The base class for all hierarchical geography data types
The base class for all geography data types
Represents a physical region, the middle precision level for this library
A named timezone with numeric offset and descriptive metadata


CityExtensions on City
Extension methods for interacting with City instances.
CountryExtensions on Country
Extension methods for interacting with Country instances.
GeoCoordsExtensions on T
Extension methods for interacting with GeoCoords instances.
GeoLocationNodeExtensions on GeoLocationNode
Extension methods for interacting with GeoLocationNode instances.
ListGeoCoordsExtensions on Iterable<T>
Extension methods for interacting with List of GeoCoords and derivative type instances.
RegionExtensions on Region
Extension methods for interacting with Region instances.