Geographic class

A geographic position with longitude, latitude and optional elevation and m.

Longitude is available at lon, latitude at lat and elevation at elev. m represents a measurement.

Longitude (range [-180.0, 180.0]) and latitude (range [-90.0, 90.0]) are represented as deegrees. The unit for elev is meters.

Geographic coordinates are based on a spherical or ellipsoidal coordinate system representing positions on the Earth as longitude (lon) and latitude (lat).

m represents a measurement or a value on a linear referencing system (like time). It could be associated with a 2D position (lon, lat, m) or a 3D position (lon, lat, elev, m).

For 2D coordinates the coordinate axis indexes are:

Index Geographic
0 lon
1 lat
2 m

For 3D coordinates the coordinate axis indexes are:

Index Geographic
0 lon
1 lat
2 elev
3 m
Available Extensions
  • @immutable


Geographic({required double lon, required double lat, double? elev, double? m})
A geographic position with lon and lat, and optional elev and m.
const<num> coords, {int offset = 0, Coords? type})
Builds a geographic position from coords starting from offset.
Geographic.create({required double x, required double y, double? z, double? m})
A position from parameters compatible with CreatePosition function type.
Geographic.parse(String text, {Pattern delimiter = ',', Coords? type, bool swapXY = false})
Parses a geographic position from text.
Geographic.parseDms({DmsFormat format = const Dms(), required String lon, required String lat, String? elev, String? m})
Parses a geographic position from lon and lat text values that are formatted as specified (and parsed) by format.


conforming PositionScheme
Returns a position scheme this position is conforming to.
no setteroverride
coordinateDimension int
The number of coordinate values (2, 3 or 4) on a position.
no setterinherited
coordType Coords
A value of Coords representing the coordinate type of position data contained directly or within child objects.
no setterinherited
elev double
The elevation (or altitude) coordinate in meters.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
is3D bool
True for 3D positions (with z or elevation coordinate).
no setteroverride
isMeasured bool
True if a measure value is available (or the m coordinate for a position).
no setteroverride
lat double
The latitude coordinate.
no setter
lon double
The longitude coordinate.
no setter
m double
The m ("measure") coordinate value. Returns zero if not available.
no setteroverride
optElev double?
The elevation (or altitude) coordinate optionally in meters.
no setter
optM double?
The m ("measure") coordinate optionally. Returns null if not available.
no setteroverride
optZ double?
The z coordinate value optionally. Returns null if not available.
no setteroverride
positionCount int
A Position object represents a single position, returns always 1.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
spatialDimension int
The number of spatial coordinate values (2 for 2D or 3 for 3D) on a position.
no setterinherited
type Coords
The coordinate type.
no setterinherited
valueCount int
The number of coordinate values contained.
no setterinherited
values Iterable<double>
Coordinate values of this position as an iterable of 2, 3 or 4 items.
no setterinherited
x double
The x coordinate value.
no setteroverride
y double
The y coordinate value.
no setteroverride
z double
The z coordinate value. Returns zero if not available.
no setteroverride


bearingTo2D(Position destination) double
Returns a bearing from this to destination calculated in a cartesian 2D plane.
copyByType(Coords type) Geographic
Copies this as another object according to the given type.
copyTo<R extends Position>(CreatePosition<R> factory) → R
Copies this position to a new position created by the factory.
copyWith({double? x, double? y, double? z, double? m}) Geographic
Copies the position with optional x, y, z and m overriding values.
destinationPoint2D({required double distance, required double bearing}) Geographic
Returns a destination point located at the given distance from this to the direction of bearing calculated in a cartesian 2D plane.
distanceTo2D(Position destination) double
Returns a distance from this to destination calculated in a cartesian 2D plane.
distanceTo3D(Position destination) double
Returns a distance from this to destination calculated in a cartesian 3D space.
equals2D(covariant Position other, {double toleranceHoriz = defaultEpsilon}) bool
True if this position equals with other by testing 2D coordinates only.
equals3D(covariant Position other, {double toleranceHoriz = defaultEpsilon, double toleranceVert = defaultEpsilon}) bool
True if this position equals with other by testing 3D coordinates only.
equalsCoords(covariant Position other) bool
True if this and the other position equals.
expand(ExpandPosition expand) Iterable<Geographic>
Expands this position to an iterable of zero or more positions of using expand.
intermediatePointTo(Position destination, {required double fraction}) Geographic
Returns an intermediate point at the given fraction between this and destination positions calculated in the cartesian coordinate reference system.
latDms([DmsFormat format = const Dms()]) String
Formats lat according to format.
latLonDms({DmsFormat format = const Dms(), String separator = ', ', String elevUnits = 'm', int elevDecimals = 2, String mUnits = '', int mDecimals = 2}) String
Formats lat and lon according to format, with lat formatted first and separated from lon by separator.
lonDms([DmsFormat format = const Dms()]) String
Formats lon according to format.
midPointTo(Position destination) Geographic
Returns a midpoint between this and destination positions calculated in the cartesian coordinate reference system.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
packed() Geographic
Returns a position instance whose coordinate storage contains only coordinate values represented by this position.
project(Projection projection) Projected
Projects this geographic position to a projected position using the forward projection.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
toText({String delimiter = ',', int? decimals, bool compactNums = true, bool swapXY = false}) String
A string representation of coordinate values separated by delimiter.
transform(TransformPosition transform) Geographic
Returns a position transformed from this using transform.
valuesByType(Coords type) Iterable<double>
Coordinate values as a double iterable according to the given type.


operator %(Position divisor) Geographic
Returns a position with coordinate values of this applied with modulo operator % by values of divisor.
operator *(double factor) Geographic
Returns a position with coordinate values of this scaled by factor.
operator +(Position other) Geographic
Returns a position with coordinate values summed from this and other.
operator -(Position other) Geographic
Returns a position with coordinate values of this subtracted with values of other.
operator /(Position divisor) Geographic
Returns a position with coordinate values of this divided by values of divisor.
operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.
operator [](int index) double
A coordinate value by the coordinate axis index.
operator unary-() Geographic
Returns a position with coordinate values of this negated.

Static Methods

from(Position source) Geographic
Creates a geographic position by copying coordinates from source.
writeLatLonDms(StringSink buf, Geographic position, {DmsFormat format = const Dms(), String separator = ' ', String elevUnits = 'm', int elevDecimals = 2, String mUnits = '', int mDecimals = 2}) → void
Formats geographic position according to format and writes it to buf.


scheme → const PositionScheme
A position scheme that creates Geographic and GeoBox instances for positions and bounding boxes.