geobase library

Geospatial data, spherical geodesy, projections, tiling schemes and vector data.

Key features:

  • position, bounding box and positions series (with coordinate arrays)
  • geographic (longitude-latitude) and projected positions and bounding boxes
  • spherical geodesy functions for great circle and rhumb line paths
  • simple geometries (point, line string, polygon, multi point, multi line string, multi polygon, geometry collection)
  • features (with id, properties and geometry) and feature collections
  • temporal data structures (instant, interval) and spatial extents
  • vector data formats supported (GeoJSON, WKT, WKB)
  • coordinate projections (web mercator + based on the external proj4dart library)
  • tiling schemes and tile matrix sets (web mercator, global geodetic)
  • common codes, constants, functions, presentation helpers and reference systems related to geospatial applications

Usage: import package:geobase/geobase.dart


An aligned point within a geospatial box or tile.
A positionable object with position data (directly or within child objects) and methods to resolve bounding boxes.
A base class for axis-aligned bounding boxes with min & max coordinates.
An interface to decode content from a text or binary format.
ContentEncoder<Content extends Object>
An interface to encode Content into a text or binary format.
Metadata about a coordinate reference system (CRS) identified and specified by id.
An abstract class for resolving coordinate reference system information.
The "default" text format for coordinate and geometry objects.
A default implementation for DmsFormat abstract base class, that defines methods for parsing and formatting degrees/minutes/seconds on latitude, longitude and bearing values.
A base class for formatters with methods for parsing and formatting degrees/minutes/seconds on latitude, longitude and bearing values.
Feature<T extends Geometry>
A feature is a geospatial entity with id, properties and geometry.
FeatureBuilder<T extends FeatureObject, E extends Geometry>
A builder to create geospatial feature objects of T from FeatureContent.
FeatureCollection<E extends Feature<Geometry>>
A feature collection contains an array of Feature items.
A common base interface for geospatial feature objects (Feature and FeatureCollection).
A geographic bounding box with west, south, east and north values.
A geospatial extent with spatial and optional temporal parts.
A geographic position with longitude, latitude and optional elevation and m.
The GeoJSON text format for coordinate, geometry and feature objects.
Optional configuration parameters for formatting (and parsing) GeoJSON.
A base interface for geometry classes.
GeometryBuilder<T extends Geometry, E extends Geometry>
A builder to create geometry objects of T from GeometryContent.
GeometryCollection<E extends Geometry>
A geometry collection with geometries.
A tile matrix set with conversions between tiles and geographic positions.
"Global Geodetic Quad" tile matrix set ("World CRS84 Quad" for WGS 84).
An instant with a timestamp.
An interval between optional start and end instants.
A line string geometry with a chain of positions.
A multi line string with an array of line strings (each with a chain of positions).
A multi point geometry with an array of points (each with a position).
A multi polygon with an array of polygons (each with an array of rings).
A point geometry with a position.
A polygon geometry with one exterior and 0 to N interior rings.
A base class for geospatial positions.
A positionable object contains data structures for (geospatial) position data, directly or within child objects.
A position scheme encapsulates position and bounding box factories for certain type of position data.
A fixed-length (and random-access) view to a series of positions.
A bounding box with minX, minY, maxX and maxY coordinates.
A projected position with x, y, and optional z and m coordinates.
A scalable object at the zoom level (a positive number).
Scalable x, y coordinates at the zoom level.
A coordinate converter between geospatial positions and scaled coordinates.
A base interface for "simple" geometry classes.
An interface to write simple geometry data to format encoders and object builders.
SpatialExtent<T extends Box>
An extent with 1 to N bounding boxes in defined coordinate reference system.
Latitude/longitude points on a spherical model earth, and methods for calculating distances, bearings, destinations, etc on (orthodromic) great-circle paths.
Calculations for line strings (as an iterable of geographic positions) on a spherical model earth (great-circle paths).
Latitude/longitude points on a spherical model earth, and methods for calculating distances, bearings, destinations, etc on (loxodromic) rhumb lines.
A base class for temporal objects like instants and intervals.
An extent with 1 to N intervals in defined temporal coordinate reference system.
Metadata about a temporal coordinate reference system (TRS) identified and specified by id.
An abstract class for resolving temporal coordinate reference system information.
TextReaderFormat<Content extends Object>
An interface to access text format decoders (readers) for Content.
TextWriterFormat<Content extends Object>
An interface to access text format encoders (writers) for Content.
A tiling scheme represented as a set of tile matrices (grids).
A positionable object that has (geospatial) coordinate values directly available.
"Web Mercator Quad" tile matrix set.
Projections for the WGS 84 geographic coordinate system.
The Well-known binary (WKB) format, see geometry for accessing the format.
The WKT text format for coordinate and geometry objects.
The WKT (like) text format for coordinate and geometry objects.


The axis order of coordinate values in position and point representations.
The position of the origin in a canvas or a grid.
The precision for cardinal directions (compass point).
An enum for coordinate types (by spatial dimension and whether is measured).
An enum for dimensionality or topological dimension in the context of geospatial applications.
An enum for common representation of geographic positions by coordinates (using degrees, minutes and seconds as components).
An enum for geometry types.
An enum for spatial representations that can be used to code logic when need to choose some options based on a representation.


BinaryFormat<Content extends Object>
A mixin to access binary format encoders and decoders for Content
An interface to write coordinate data to format encoders and object builders.
An interface to write geospatial feature objects to format encoders and object builders.
An interface to write geometry data to format encoders and object builders.
A mixin defining an interface for (geospatial) projections.
A projection adapter bundles forward and inverse projections.
TextFormat<Content extends Object>
A mixin to access text format encoders and decoders for Content.


BoxArrayExtension on Iterable<Box?>
A helper extension on Iterable<Box?>.
CoordinateArrayExtension on List<double>
A helper extension on List<double> to handle coordinate values.
DoubleAngleExtension on double
An extension on double with basic degrees and radians utility methods.
GeographicDoubleAngleExtension on double
An extension on double with basic degrees and radians utility methods ( (for geographic coordinate reference systems).
PositionArrayExtension on Iterable<Position>
A helper extension on Iterable<Position>.
SphericalGreatCircleExtension on Geographic
An extension for easier access to SphericalGreatCircle.
SphericalGreatCircleIterableExtension on Iterable<Geographic>
An extension for easier access to SphericalGreatCircleLineString for iterables of geographic positions.
SphericalGreatCirclePositionSeriesExtension on PositionSeries
An extension for easier access to SphericalGreatCircleLineString for series of positions.
SphericalRhumbLineExtension on Geographic
An extension for easier access to SphericalRhumbLine.


defaultEpsilon → const double
The default epsilon value 1.0e-9 used as a tolerance in equals2D, equals3D and similar methods in this package.
doublePrecisionEpsilon → const double
The maximum relative precision of double numbers (IEEE 754).
earthCircumferenceWgs84 → const double
The earth circumference in meters (from earth equatorial radius by WGS 84).
earthRadiusWgs84 → const double
The earth equatorial radius in meters as specified by WGS 84.
maxLatitude → const double
The maximum value for the geographic latitude.
maxLatitudeWebMercator → const double
The maximum value for the geographic latitude inside the Web Mercator projection coverage.
maxLongitude → const double
The maximum value for the geographic longitude.
minLatitude → const double
The minimum value for the geographic latitude.
minLatitudeWebMercator → const double
The minimum value for the geographic latitude inside the Web Mercator projection coverage.
minLongitude → const double
The minimum value for the geographic longitude.
screenPPIbyOGC → const double
OGC defines a screen pixel of 0.28 mm that approximates to 90.7 ppi.


AddGeometry<T extends Geometry> = void Function(T geometry, {String? name})
A function to add geometry to some collection with an optional name.
CreateBox<T extends Box> = T Function({double? maxM, required double maxX, required double maxY, double? maxZ, double? minM, required double minX, required double minY, double? minZ})
Creates a new bounding box from minX, minY, maxX and maxY values.
CreatePosition<T extends Position> = T Function({double? m, required double x, required double y, double? z})
Creates a new position of T from x and y, and optional z and m.
ExpandPosition = Iterable<T> Function<T extends Position>(Position source, {required CreatePosition<T> to})
A function to expand the source position to an iterable of zero or more positions of T using to as a factory.
TransformPosition = T Function<T extends Position>(Position source, {required CreatePosition<T> to})
A function to transform the source position to a position of T using to as a factory.
WriteFeatures = void Function(FeatureContent output)
A function to write geospatial feature objects to output.
WriteGeometries = void Function(GeometryContent output)
A function to write geometry data to output.
WriteSimpleGeometries = void Function(SimpleGeometryContent output)
A function to write simple geometry data to output.