constants library

Epsilon, geodetic and screen related constants.

This libary exports a subset of package:geobase/geobase.dart.

Usage: import package:geobase/constants.dart


defaultEpsilon → const double
The default epsilon value 1.0e-9 used as a tolerance in equals2D, equals3D and similar methods in this package.
doublePrecisionEpsilon → const double
The maximum relative precision of double numbers (IEEE 754).
earthCircumferenceWgs84 → const double
The earth circumference in meters (from earth equatorial radius by WGS 84).
earthRadiusWgs84 → const double
The earth equatorial radius in meters as specified by WGS 84.
maxLatitude → const double
The maximum value for the geographic latitude.
maxLatitudeWebMercator → const double
The maximum value for the geographic latitude inside the Web Mercator projection coverage.
maxLongitude → const double
The maximum value for the geographic longitude.
minLatitude → const double
The minimum value for the geographic latitude.
minLatitudeWebMercator → const double
The minimum value for the geographic latitude inside the Web Mercator projection coverage.
minLongitude → const double
The minimum value for the geographic longitude.
screenPPIbyOGC → const double
OGC defines a screen pixel of 0.28 mm that approximates to 90.7 ppi.