addSong method

void addSong({
  1. required Song newSong,
  2. bool verbose = true,
  3. bool includeFeatures = false,

Adds a song to the Artist.

This method adds a new song to the artist object. It checks if the song is already in artist's songs and whether the song's artist is the same as the Artist object.


void addSong(
    {required Song newSong,
    bool verbose = true,
    bool includeFeatures = false}) {
  if (newSong.title != null) {
    if (_songs.any((element) => element.title! == newSong.title)) {
      if (verbose) {
        print('${newSong.title} already in $name, not adding song.');

    if (name != null || newSong.artist != null) {
      if (newSong.artist == name ||
          (includeFeatures && newSong.featuredArtists.contains(name))) {
        if (verbose) {
          print('Song $_numSongs: ${newSong.title}');
  } else {
    if (verbose) {
      print("Can't add song by ${newSong.artist}, artist must be $name.");