genius_lyrics: a Dart client for the API based on LyricsGenius

genius_lyrics provides a simple interface to the song, artist, and lyrics data stored on

Read the API reference here.


Before using this package you'll need to sign up for a (free) account that authorizes access to the Genius API. The Genius account provides a accessToken that is required by the package. See the Usage section below for examples.


Import the package and initiate Genius:

import 'package:genius_lyrics/genius_lyrics.dart';
Genius genius = Genius(accessToken: YOUR_TOKEN);

Search for songs by a given artist:

Artist? artist = await genius.searchArtist(artistName: 'Eminem', maxSongs: 5, sort: SongsSorting.release_date);
if (artist != null) {
  for (var song in artist.songs) {

By default, the searchArtist() only returns songs where the given artist is the primary artist. However, there may be instances where it is desirable to get all of the songs that the artist appears on. You can do this by setting the includeFeatures argument to true.

Artist? artist = await genius.searchArtist(artistName: 'Eminem', maxSongs: 5, includeFeatures: true);
if (artist != null) {
  for (var song in artist.songs) {

Search for a single song by the same artist:

artist?.song(client: genius, songName: "No Love");
# or:
# Song? song = genius.searchSong(artist: 'Eminem', title: 'No Love'));
if (song != null) {

Add the song to the artist object:

artist?.addSong(newSong: song!);

Save the artist's songs to a file:

artist?.saveLyrics(destPath: 'D:/Music/Eminme/Lyrics');

Searching for an album and saving it:

Album? album = (await genius.searchAlbum(name: 'The Off-Season', artist: 'J.Cole'));
album?.saveLyrics(destPath: 'D:/Desktop/test');

A complete example

import 'package:genius_lyrics/genius_lyrics.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {
  Genius genius = Genius(accessToken: YOUR_TOKEN);

  Artist? artist = await genius.searchArtist(artistName: 'Eminem', maxSongs: 5, sort: SongsSorting.release_date, includeFeatures: true);

  if (artist != null) {
    for (var song in artist.songs) {

  Album? album = (await genius.searchAlbum(name: 'The Off-Season', artist: 'J.Cole'));
  album?.saveLyrics(destPath: 'D:/Desktop/test');

  if (album != null) {    
      for (var track in album.tracks) {

  Song? song = (await genius.searchSong(artist: 'J. Cole', title: 'KOD'));

  if (song != null) {


Please contribute! If you want to fix a bug, suggest improvements, or add new features to the project, just open an issue or send me a pull request.