searchSong method

Future<Song?> searchSong({
  1. String? artist,
  2. String? title,
  3. int? songId,
  4. bool getFullInfo = true,

Searches for a specific song and gets its lyrics returning Song in case it's successful and null otherwise .

You must pass either a title or a songId.

title: Song title to search for.


artist (optional): Name of the artist.

getFullInfo (optional): Get full info for each song (slower), if songId is provided full info of the song will be obtained by deafult.

songId (optional): Song ID.

Example: {@tool snippet}

Genius genius = Genius(accessToken: TOKEN);
Song? song = (await genius.searchSong(artist: 'Eminem', title: 'Beautiful'));
if (song != null) {



Future<Song?> searchSong(
    {String? artist,
    String? title,
    int? songId,
    bool getFullInfo = true}) async {
  try {
    Map<String, dynamic>? songInfo;

    if (songId == null && title == null) {
      return _verbosePrint(
          'Specified song does not contain lyrics. Rejecting.');

    if (songId != null) {
      getFullInfo = false;
      songInfo = (await song(songId: songId));
    } else {
      Map<String, dynamic>? serachResponse =
          (await _searchAll(searchTerm: '$title $artist'));

      if (serachResponse != null) {
        songInfo = _getItemFromSearchResponse(
          response: serachResponse,
          searchTerm: title!,
          type: 'song',
          resultType: 'title',
          artist: artist,

    if (songInfo == null) {
      return _verbosePrint('No result found');

    if (songInfo['lyrics_state'] != 'complete' && skipNonSongs) {
      return _verbosePrint(
          'Specified song does not contain lyrics. Rejecting.');

    songId = songInfo['id'];

    if (songId != null && getFullInfo) {
      Map<String, dynamic>? fullSongInfo = await song(songId: songId);

      if (fullSongInfo != null) {
        songInfo = fullSongInfo;
      } else {
        _verbosePrint('error getting full song info');

    String? url = (songInfo['url']);

    if (url == null) {
      return _verbosePrint('Song url not found. Rejecting.');

    return Song(songInfo: songInfo, lyrics: (await lyrics(url: url)) ?? "");
  } catch (e) {
    return _verbosePrint('Error: ${e.toString()}');