searchAlbum method

Future<Album?> searchAlbum({
  1. String? name,
  2. int? albumId,
  3. String artist = '',
  4. bool getFullInfo = true,

Searches for a specific album and gets its songs.

You must pass either a name or an albumId.

You use name to search for the album name and optionally along with artist wich is the artist name

If you use the albumId then there's no need for either a name or a artist

If getFullInfo is true it gets the full info for the album (slower), if albumId is provided full info of the song will be obtained by deafult.


{@tool snippet}

Genius genius = Genius(accessToken: TOKEN);
Album? album = (await genius.searchAlbum(name: 'Relapse', artist: 'Eminem'));
if (album != null) {



Future<Album?> searchAlbum(
    {String? name,
    int? albumId,
    String artist = '',
    bool getFullInfo = true}) async {
  if (name == null && albumId == null) {
    return _verbosePrint("You must pass either a `name` or an `albumId`.");

  Map<String, dynamic>? albumInfo;
  if (albumId != null) {
    getFullInfo = false;
    albumInfo = await album(albumId: albumId);
  } else {
    Map<String, dynamic>? response =
        (await _searchAll(searchTerm: '$name $artist'));

    if (response != null) {
      albumInfo = _getItemFromSearchResponse(
          response: response,
          searchTerm: name!,
          type: 'album',
          resultType: 'name');

  if (albumInfo == null) {
    return _verbosePrint('No results for $name $artist. Rejecting.');

  albumId = albumInfo['id'];

  if (albumId == null) {
    return _verbosePrint('Something wrong with the album id. Rejecting.');

  List<Song> tracks = [];
  int? nextPage = 1;

  while (nextPage != null) {
    Map<String, dynamic>? albumTracksResponse =
        await _albumTracksPage(albumId: albumId, perPage: 50, page: nextPage);

    if (albumTracksResponse == null) {
      return _verbosePrint('Error getting album tracks. Rejecting.');

    List<dynamic>? trakList = await albumTracksResponse['tracks'];

    if (trakList != null) {
      for (var track in trakList) {
        Map<String, dynamic>? songInfo =
            (track['song'] as Map<String, dynamic>?);
        if (songInfo != null) {
          String? songLyrics;
          if (songInfo['lyrics_state'] == 'complete' &&
              songInfo['url'] != null) {
            songLyrics = await lyrics(url: songInfo['url']);
          } else {
            songLyrics = "";

          track = Song(songInfo: songInfo, lyrics: songLyrics ?? '');

    nextPage = albumTracksResponse['next_page'];

  if (getFullInfo) {
    Map<String, dynamic>? fullAlbumInfo = await album(albumId: albumId);
    if (fullAlbumInfo != null) {
      albumInfo = fullAlbumInfo;
    } else {
      _verbosePrint('error getting full album info');

  return Album(albumInfo: albumInfo, tracks: tracks);