Generate Swagger Endpoints

If you are using Flutter with Swagger, you may be annoyed that no library allows you to build models and endpoints flexibly. For example, a popular library called swagger_dart_code_generator includes most functionality, but it is not flexible at all. It strictly binds the Chopper, if you don't want to use another client library like Dio, you can only generate data models without any endpoint. That is a library I built for my freelance projects and company projects to quickly solve these issues of swagger_dart_code_generator. I saw my friend also face this issue on his company's new project. So he should treat me a Big Mac now

This project is still very simple and I am busy on another thing right now, please leave your feedback on the issues or the requirements on the issues.


dart pub global activate generate_swagger_endpoint

How to use

dart pub global run generate_swagger_endpoint --input ./lib/api/swagger -output ./lib/api/endpoints/

dart pub global run generate_swagger_endpoint --input ./lib/api/swagger -output ./lib/api/endpoints/
