DirectoryHelper extension



copyTo(Directory destination, {List<String> ignoreDirList = const [], List<String> ignoreFileList = const []}) → void

Available on Directory, provided by the DirectoryHelper extension

Recursively copies a directory + subdirectories into a target directory. Similar to Copy-Item in PowerShell.
recursive({required FutureOr<void> onData(FileSystemEntity fileSystemEntity)}) Future<void>

Available on Directory, provided by the DirectoryHelper extension

renameRecursive({required String origin_name, required String new_name, bool caseSensitiveFile = true, List<String> ignoreDirList = const [], List<String> ignoreFileList = const []}) → void

Available on Directory, provided by the DirectoryHelper extension

renameRecursiveSync({required String origin_name, required String new_name, List<String> ignoreDirList = const [], List<String> ignoreFileList = const []}) → void

Available on Directory, provided by the DirectoryHelper extension