NodeImpl class

The implementation of the node interface.

This Class denotes one node containing sub-nodes in a tree-like structure. Each node may have n children. Each node may be a skeleton-only node (contains only name and a reference to a mapper), or may be materialized (contains all data). Typically when fetching a node, the node is materialized but its sub-nodes are skeleton-only nodes. All skeleton nodes materialize automatically if their data is accessed.

Implemented types


NodeImpl(String name, String nodeOwner, [String? parent, Visibility vis =, List<NodeValue> nodeValues = const <NodeValue>[]])
creates a fully fledged new empty node.
NodeImpl.createSkeleton(String path, String nodeOwner, StorageController? _controller)
Constructor creating a skeleton node.


controller StorageController?
get the controller needed for materializing the node if required.
getter/setter pairoverride
extendedLastModified String
Gets a worldwide unique sortable timestamp.
no setteroverride
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
lastModified int
Gets a system wide unique timestamp in milliseconds.
getter/setter pairoverride
name String
Gets the name of the current node.
no setteroverride
owner String
Gets the owner of the current object.
getter/setter pairoverride
parentPath String?
Gets the parent path of the node.
no setteroverride
path String
Gets the full path with name of the current node.
no setteroverride
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
skeleton bool
Returns true if the current node is not yet materialized.
no setteroverride
tombstone bool
Checks if the current node is marked as TOMBSTONE (old deleted node).
no setteroverride
visibility Visibility
Gets the current visibility according to the TLP protocol.
getter/setter pairoverride


addChild(Node node) Future<void>
Adds a child node to this node.
addOrUpdateValue(NodeValue value) Future<void>
Add a key/value pair to the node.
addValue(NodeValue value) Future<void>
Add a key/value pair to the node.
deepClone() Future<Node>
Create a deep clone of the current node.
equals(Object? n2, [bool ignoreTimestamp = true]) bool
Checks if two NodeValue are equivalent in values.
get(Field field) Future<String?>
Gets an ordinal field of the node.
getChild(String name) Future<Node?>
Gets a child node from the current node.
getChildNodesCsv() Future<String>
Gets the child nodes as CVS export.
getChildren() Future<Map<String, Node>>
Get a map of all existing child nodes.
getValue(String key) Future<NodeValue?>
Get a specific value of the node.
getValues() Future<Map<String, NodeValue>>
Get a deep copy of all values stored in the node.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
removeChild(String name) Future<void>
Removes a child node from this node.
removeValue(String key) Future<NodeValue?>
Removes a value from the node.
set(Field field, String? value) Future<String?>
Sets an ordinal field of the node.
shallowClone() Future<Node>
Create a shallow clone of the current node.
toByteArrayStream(ByteSink out) → void
Writes the current object to the output stream.
toString({String prefix = '', bool showTimestamp = true, bool showOrdinals = true, bool showChildren = true}) String
A string representation of this object.
touch() → void
updates the timestamp to reflect that this node has been touched.
update(Node n2, {bool deepClone = true}) Future<void>
Update all data of the node with the data of the given node.
updateValue(NodeValue value) Future<NodeValue>
Update a specific value of the node.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromByteArrayStream(ByteStream in_) Future<NodeImpl>
Deserializes a NodeValue from a byteStream.
fromNode(Node node) Future<Node>
fromPath(String path, String owner, {bool? isTombstone, Visibility? visibility, List<NodeValue>? nodeValues, List<Node>? childNodes}) Future<Node>
Create a empty node for the given path.
getNameFromPath(String? path) String?
Returns the name part from a fully qualified node path.
getParentFromPath(String? path) String?
Returns the fully qualified node path of the parental node.


serialversionUID → const int