modules/utils/utils/string_number_utils library


doubleStringWithoutTrailingZeros(String? doubleString) String
Given a number string this will display decimals just if it contains them For example 0.012 => 0.012 3.2 => 3.2 2.0 => 2
formattedPrice(double? price, [String? symbol]) String
Returns a string representing a formatted price with currency A custom symbol can be provided to be used instead
isStrNil(String? string) bool
Check if given string is empty or null
numberToRoundedValue(dynamic number, {String orElse(dynamic)?}) String
Given an object this function will try to parse as double and round the value returning a string It also provides a fallback function orElse to use if the value processed is an invalid number by default this returns 0 if no fallback provided