copyWith method

RadialGaugeSegment copyWith({
  1. double? minValue,
  2. double? maxValue,
  3. double? minAngle,
  4. double? maxAngle,
  5. double? width,
  6. Gradient? gradient,
  7. Color? color,
  8. Border? border,
  9. BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius,
  10. BlendMode? backgroundBlendMode,

Creates a copy of the instance and replaces the given variables of that copy.


RadialGaugeSegment copyWith(
    {double? minValue,
    double? maxValue,
    double? minAngle,
    double? maxAngle,
    double? width,
    Gradient? gradient,
    Color? color,
    Border? border,
    BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius,
    BlendMode? backgroundBlendMode}) {
  return RadialGaugeSegment(
    minValue: minValue ?? this.minValue,
    maxValue: maxValue ?? this.maxValue,
    minAngle: minAngle ?? this.minAngle,
    maxAngle: maxAngle ?? this.maxAngle,
    width: width ?? this.width,
    gradient: gradient ?? this.gradient,
    color: color ?? this.color,
    border: border ?? this.border,
    borderRadius: borderRadius ?? this.borderRadius,
    backgroundBlendMode: backgroundBlendMode ?? this.backgroundBlendMode,