Increment an achievement.
Achievement takes two parameters:
androidID the achievement id for android.
steps If the achievement is of the incremental type
you can use this method to increment the steps.
Save game with data and a unique name.
The name must be between 1 and 100 non-URL-reserved characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or the symbols "-", ".", "_", or "~").
To sign in the user.
If you pass shouldEnableSavedGame, a drive scope will be will be added to GoogleSignInOptions. This will happed just
android as for iOS/macOS nothing is required to be sent when authenticate.
You need to call the sign in before making any action,
(like sending a score or unlocking an achievement).
Submit a score to specific leader board.
Score takes three parameters:
androidLeaderboardID the leader board id that you want to send the score for in case of android.
iOSLeaderboardID the leader board id that you want to send the score for in case of iOS.
value the score.
Unlock an achievement.
Achievement takes three parameters:
androidID the achievement id for android.
iOSID the achievement id for iOS.
percentComplete the completion percent of the achievement, this parameter is
optional in case of iOS.