mapTo<T> method

Iterable<T> mapTo<T>(
  1. T mapper(
    1. K key,
    2. V value

Returns a new lazy Iterable with elements that are created by calling mapper on each entry of this IMap in iteration order.

The returned iterable is lazy, so it won't iterate the elements of this map until it is itself iterated, and then it will apply mapper to create one element at a time. The converted elements are not cached. Iterating multiple times over the returned Iterable will invoke the supplied mapper function once per element for on each iteration.

Note: While map returns a new IMap, mapTo returns an Iterable of elements created by combining the entries keys and values.


Iterable<T> mapTo<T>(T Function(K key, V value) mapper) =><K, V> entry) => mapper(entry.key, entry.value));