GameX extension

Some extensions on Game to more easiliy get some of the GenericGame fields



currentPlayer Player?
Gets the current Player or null if the game is not turn based
no setter
currentPlayerID String
Gets the current Player ID
no setter
currentPlayerIndex int?
Gets the current player's index
no setter
gameOver bool
Gets whether the game is over
no setter
isMultiPly bool
Gets whether the game has multiple actions before a reward
no setter
isSimultaneousAction bool
Gets whether the game is simultaneous action at this ply
no setter
messages IList<GameMessage>
Gets the list of GameMessages that have been exchanged this game
no setter
playerIDs IList<PlayerID>
Gets the players that are a part of this game
no setter
playerRoundScores IMap<PlayerID, IList<double>>
Gets the list of round scores for each player mapped by their id
no setter
players IList<Player>
Gets an unmodifiable list of players that are a part of this game
no setter
readyPlayers IList<PlayerID>
Gets the players who are ready for the next round
no setter
round int
Gets the current round number
no setter
roundOver bool
Gets whether the round is over
no setter
roundPlayerScores IList<IMap<PlayerID, double>>
Gets the map of player scores grouped by round
no setter
status GameStatus
Gets the status of the game
no setter
time DateTime
Gets the DateTime that this state was updated
no setter
totalScores IMap<PlayerID, double>
Gets the total score for each player mapped by player id
no setter