handleEvent method

bool handleEvent(
  1. GameEvent event

Handles a GameEvent and updates the state accordingly

Delegates to the game implementation for a game specific event E

In case of a GenericEvent this handles the implementation of handling the event


bool handleEvent(GameEvent event) {
  // print('${event.toJson()}');
  try {
    final game = gameState;

    state = event.when(
      general: (e) => e.maybeWhen(
        undo: () {
          // Remove the current state
          final lastState = _previousStates.removeLast();
          return lastState as GameOrError<G>;
        readyNextRound: (e) {
          if (game.readyPlayers.length > 1) {
          final newState = game.copyWithGeneric((g) => g.addReadyPlayer(e));
          if (newState.readyPlayers.length == game.players.length) {
            return game
                .copyWithGeneric((g) => g.clearReadyPlayers())
          return newState.gameValue();
        message: (_, __, ___) => game
                (g) => g.addMessage(e as GameMessage).updateTime())
        orElse: () =>
            GameError('General Event not implemented yet $e', 'programmer'),
      game: (e) => game.next(e as E) as GameOrError<G>,

    if (state.isError) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;
    // ignore: avoid_catches_without_on_clauses
  } catch (error, st) {
    _gameStateLogger.severe('$error $st');
  return false;