reversedView property

List<T> reversedView

Returns a List of the objects in this list in reverse order. Very efficient since it returns a view (which means, if you change the original list this one will also change, and vice-versa).

Note: List.reversed returns an Iterable, while List.reversedView returns a List. This difference is important because if you do list.reversed.toList() you don't have a view anymore, and it's not efficient.

Beware when using reversedView with NNBD:

// The runtimeType here is <int>, not <int?>
List<int?> reversed = [1, 2, 3].reversedView;

// The runtimeType here is <int?>
List<int?> reversed = <int ?>[1, 2, 3].reversedView;


List<T> get reversedView => ReversedListView<T>(this);